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Havent played these guys in ages, but since they have their own ROTA-esque card now i think ill give it another go...

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Advice would be real cool ^^

EDIT: it would be nice too know if burial from a different dimension set off lazuli's eff...

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I've never played Gem Knights before, and I'm not an amazing deck builder but I've played a similar deck (magnet warriors actually).

A few cards you might want are: Rescue Rabbit, Bottomless Trap Hole, Solemn Warning, and Catapult Zone (which acts similarly to Rock Bombardment but can be used many times, as well as being able to be searched by Terraforming).

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Thanks Guys ^^, ill cut tortoise to put in a gigastone and a rescue rabbit, seriously, you look at redox and find that its pretty crap fusion material cus its a dragon...

Rock bomb over catapult zone, if i was running a full gemini build i would but since rock bombardment is like a sinister shadow games and can be used as a quick effect at any time instead of at just the BP...

Reserve can get hit for rock bomb because rock bomb is just a better card that is very multi-purpose when compared with reserve.


Ill do something with it and then get your opinions.

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... wat

You should only be playing 1 Vanilla with Rabbit at 1. And that's Garnet.

You can run Amber at 2~ if you'd like. Sardonyx isn't worth it, Amber's only somewhat worth it because it's a Thunder that recycle resources. Alternatively, Thunder Dragon, but lacks the G-K name.

You should be playing Volcanic Shell.

You should not be playing Super Polymerization or Polymerization. You don't even have to max G-K Fusion anymore, if you don't want. Wyarm and Noden are not enough reason to run dead cards.

You shouldn't be running Gigastone... at all. It has lots of Synergy in theory, but if you have 2+ earths in grave, you either have already set off their backrow or you need them for Gem-Knight Fusion fodder. If you want a tech, D.D.R. - Different Dimension Reincarnation is better.

Burial from the Different Dimension is overkill.

Rock Bombardment is too slow and it's only good drop is Lazuli. A single Foolish is better.

Why wouldn't you max Obsidian? .~.

Seraphinite is bad, and Citrine is the best of the fusions. You should be running 3 of him, 1-2 Prismaura, 2-3 Zirconia, and 1 Diamond for Fusions.

ED should also have Rank 7s and 8s.

Soul Charge is good.

Should really be going balls to the wall to OTK. T-Roar/Scarecrow might be better than conventional backrow.

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