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1v1 Contests?



Forgive me if I sound like an idiot at all, but I'm extremely confused at how the 1v1 contests are set up. I get the whole voting process and all that, but it's getting in them that confuses the daylights out of me, because I haven't seen any open entries and I've been looking to jump in on all the fun and all. Can someone enlighten me further on this? I feel like I am missing something

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Okay. You can make your own thread for a 1v1. Starting out, it's best to start with the post format other threads have in terms of rules and how cards are displayed.

Thank you! And so you're saying I should just rip from a set of rules someone else has like how I see a few users have done already?

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Yea, considering the Leaderboard already has a central set of rules in place. Everybody tends to use the sane basic rules. XD

I kinda already saw that lol So I just go in the 1v1 and just post the topic "[Leadboard] TheTrikyTrikster Vs" and then from there just take a set of rules and bingo? Alright! Thanks a lot.

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Keep in mind that you don't have to compete in Leaderboard if you don't want to; but you use the same rules for non-LB contests (must elaborate on votes, first to 3 or something wins, opponent/you decide the them and so forth)


It's actually easy to do.



With that said, question's answered so locking.

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