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Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft


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There isn't an active topic on this game, so I figured I'd make one. For those of you who don't know, Hearthstone is an online TCG made by Blizzard, featuring characters from the Warcraft universe as cards. It's simple, it's fun, and it's much less bad than Yu-Gi-Oh (not that that's really saying much). It's also free to play, which is cool.


Anyway, discuss Hearthstone related stuff. Also, post your username/number so YCM people can be fwiends and stuff. 

[spoiler=Hearthstone names]

YCM Name / HS Name


Pacmanexus / Pacmanexus #1831

Shradow / Shradow #1617



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I did see the club, but I figured I'd make this anyway, given that it hasn't been posted in for two months.


Also, because I want to start at least some sort of conversation...what decks do you guys play? I pretty much only play Priest (by which I mean, I have 364 ranked Priest wins and less than 20 on anything else), but I've been enjoying Shockadin lately 'cause it's stupid and brainless and I love it =D.

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[url=http://i.imgur.com/knfSqka.jpg?1]Deathrattle Warlock[/url]

[url=http://i.imgur.com/Usy4FIS.jpg?1]Control Warrior[/url] (WIP)



So far my heroes are at:

Warrior - Level 38 - 17/500

Shaman - Level 56 - 196/500

Rogue - Level 49 - 5/500

Paladin - Level 47 - 10/500

Hunter - Level 34 - 26/500

Druid - Level 37 - 11/500

Warlock - Level 33 - 23/500

Mage - Level 51 - 34/500

Priest - Level 38 - 68/500


The highest I've ever gotten in Ranked was Rank 3, 5 stars. I pretty much play arena run after arena run for now while I build up my Control Warrior deck to tackle Ranked.

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