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ClariS is a Japanese pop music idol unit which was formed in 2009 by then junior-high students from Hokkaido known as Clara and Alice (both pseudonyms, done so to preserve their anonymity). ClariS have not released photos of themselves to the public and employ illustrators to draw their likenesses. Alice left the unit in June 2014 to focus on her studies upon reaching high school, with Karen debuting as the new member of ClariS in November 2014. They're responsible for singing themes for several anime, including Oreimo, Nisekoi, and Madoka Magica.


ClariS is definitely my all-time favorite out of any music artists, and I was absolutely heartbroken when I learned Alice was leaving. I love their music, and also find it really cool that they've managed to keep themselves anonymous from the public.


So, discuss. Anyone here also enjoy their music, or is this the first you've heard of them?

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