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My attempt at Bujins


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So playing around with Dueling Network and made a Bujin deck, 1 from 2 so far. Although I am sure the Yang Zing player was not using the effects right to be summoning all the time without destroying by card effect first. Second game was against a cyber dragon deck by the looks. I guess it is better to use Shaddolls or Artifacts in a BujinDolls or BujinFacts styled decks, I know that this is not the best deck, but decided to have a crack at some more deck building. Any thoughts on changes?



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Your side deck is all wrong. Including things like tenki is silly, because it belongs in you main deck, and the blue eyes thing is a joke.
Off the top of my head:
2 veiler
2 crow
3 Shadow-Imprisoning mirror
3 vanity's emptiness (unless you can squeeze them into, main, which is optimal)
3 fiendish chain
2 trap stun

Better side decks can be made, but this is a workable start.

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Bujins can afford to tech Bear, because Bear is just that good. Other FFs though shouldn't really be considered.


Anyways, you don't seem to focus enough on the Beast Warrior Bujins. As stated above, Hirume is amazing for offering much-needed speed or even just a giant poke. Now, to go over some cards that you should take out:


Swallow: Bujins have an absurdly good Xyz Boss that can already attack multiple times on its own. Yamato, Hirume, and company can't consistently use both attacks very effectively because they can't just run over bosses and Crane only works on one monster (in contrast, Honest works on all attacks and you are for some reason not running it).


Ophidian: It does have synergy with Swallow in a way Susan can't just replicate, but it's a -2 just to dish out a bunch of damage. Plus, you would need to search Swallow and Ophidian or otherwise draw into them, which I can't see happening that often. Outside of its combo with Swallow, Susan can rather easily clear your opponent's frontrow so that some other Bujin can attack directly. It's basically a damage output-increasing card that does slightly more damage than Crane would, but Crane lets you win battles you would have lost.


Raven: Because of Crane's infamy, your opponents are going to opt to take out your Beast Warrior Bujins by effects as much as possible. Sure, they'll still sometimes try to attack if they are sure you don't have a Crane in hand. Now, this is completely inferior to Crane because Crane will also kill your opponent's monster without you losing your monster, plus your opponent will eat some damage. In Bujins, it's very important that you don't lose your monsters.


Ibis: Naturally, Bujins can dish out plenty enough damage so that piercing will not be that important to them. Plus, most Decks don't really play cards in Defense position as it can be rather easy to turn the situation around nowadays. Really, it'd only be worth it if you use it on Susan and your opponent has several monsters to pierce, and this doesn't really happen.


Peacock: Searching is a good thing, but I feel like this card is just a little too restrictive. Only working in the MP2 means that you can't grab a combo piece, go into Susan, then start going crazy on your opponent. Tenki will let you do these things. Yeah, Tenki only searches your Beast-Warriors, but outside of those only Crane is actually worth searching with this.


Centipede has already been suggested to be removed. Basically it's just a less versatile MST that competes with Hare and Turtle to get into the Grave ASAP, and as I said, your Beast-Warriors need all the protection they can get.


Bujintervention: This card only works if you kill a monster with more ATK than your Bujin monster's original ATK. This means it only works with Crane (in which it only works once) or Honest (which is Limited, so don't rely on this combo). At every other time, it is completely and absolutely worthless to you.


The Jewel: It's situational because it only works with your Xyzs, and even then it only boosts ATK. There's the effect to give the monster materials, but they're from your hand. You'll be -1'ing yourself and either getting rid of valuable resources or discard fodder for Yamato. While Bujins are slow compared to the meta nowadays, they shouldn't often be running into situations where they need Susan to have more materials.


Black Horn: Necloths, Shaddolls, and maybe something else thrives on non-inherent Special Summons. This only stops Special Summons that are not caused by card effects (like CyDra or BLS-EotB), so it does nothing against Shaddoll Fusion or Exomirror. Don't get me wrong, this card is actually very good. It's just that in some matchups it won't do anything too useful, so it's more of a side-deck card right now.


Trap Jammer: Crane, Hare, and Turtle all contribute in a way that makes your Bujins virtually unstoppable during your Battle Phase. Turtle stops D-Pris, Hare stops Mirror Force (kinda), and Crane lets you win against sudden ATK boosts. Not to mention that this card is only useful against a very select few cards in the game, and is dead most of the time. You generally want to avoid running cards that are only useful in only a few situations.


Dark Bribe: In theory, this card is pretty good. It's just that giving your opponent a draw is often really, really bad for you.


I want to say to get rid of the Forbidden Dress because it doesn't work if you activate it in response to an effect that targets. But, it technically works as a pseudo-Turtle for you. Eh, it's probably worse than Lance in most situations, especially since Turtle exists.


I also want to say you can take out Tsukuyomi because I personally have never gotten into a situation where I'd want the ditch hand + draw in place of Susan's search. But then again, Tsukuyomi has had some success in other Decks. Maybe I just haven't really been able to figure out how to use it properly. Even if that's the case, you would probably want to take out one copy of it to make more space.


Number 32: Bujins don't often make 3mat Xyzs, and even then, you don't have the monsters to pull off consistent 3mat4s. I really don't see how you can even make this without your opponent utterly sucking since Bujincarnation won't let you Summon this. Amaterasu is different because it can easily replenish your cards, but all this does is increase damage output.


The Synchros: I don't see how you can even Summon these. And even then, Horse Prince can't be Summoned without a FIRE Tuner (not to mention it does nothing for Bujins).


Now, there's a few cards you can cut a few copies of in order to make space. I already mentioned Tsukuyomi. In the Main Deck, you can cut one copy of Bujincarnation as it is dead outside of being a comeback card, and I'll be suggesting a card that you can tech that searches this. The Extra Deck only needs one Amaterasu, one #101, and one Tiger King (if any). Making space in your Extra Deck is very important because Rank 4 has access to a wide variety of useful cards. Try running some of these cards:


Bujin Mikazuchi: This is the card that searches Bujincarnation. I personally only run it @1 though since it's a little hard to pull off without it backing Yamato.


Bujin Arasuda: It can plop itself onto the field quite often, though most of the time you'd rather not. Its biggest perk is that you can combo it with Hirume to get a free Rank 4 that doesn't even eat your Normal Summon. I can't decide if I want to run it @1 or @2 myself.


Hirume's already been mentioned. It's probably a 3-of, really.


Honest: It's like Crane, but deals slightly more damage and works on any of your LIGHT monsters instead of just Beast-Warrior Bujins (which can happen sometimes). It also works on all of Susan's attacks, which means you can dish out lots and lots of damage.


Vanity's Emptiness: This was already mentioned, but I figured I should add emphasis here. Right now, this card is very, very good, and it's even more so in Bujins because they don't need to Special Summon for the sake of making a play. Against the top-tier Decks, Bujins are highly outmatched when it comes to speed, so this is really good for buying time.


The others have already mentioned Tenki as well. Really, practically means you're running 6 Yamatos, and you really want to have Yamato in the early game.


Pot of Duality: Bujins have quite a few turns where they can avoid Special Summoning and still not fall behind, most of these being very early in the game before you have the chance to Xyz. This card is very good at increasing your consistency.


Breakthrough Skill: Monster effect negation is also very vital. For example, Bujins suffer a rather big setback when their Yamato is negated. Playing this at the right time can really hurt your opponent's strategy. You could play Fiendish Chain instead, but Fiendish Chain is easier to stop and doesn't get an extra use during your turn (this means Breakthrough Skill can negate Wolfbark's effect, then get banished to make it easier to get rid of #101).


You might also want to toss in a few more staple Traps like Bottomless Trap Hole or Compulsory Evacuation Device to frustrate your opponent or even to help protect your monsters.


Bujintei Kagutsuchi: Its effect is basically two free Hares. The mill-5 is kinda random though, but a 2mat monster with tons of ATK from its effect and Tenki can be pretty cool.


Castel: It's an alternative to #101. Spinning the card into the Deck means you can avoid effects that activate in the Graveyard, such as a Shaddoll Fusion Monster that would let your opponent get their Fusion or Core back once it's detached from #101. Plus, it works on face-up Spells and Traps too. Plus, you can Summon it with the monsters you revived with Bujincarnation.


Abyss Dweller: It kills those effects in the Grave, which is pretty relevant right now. It stops Shaddoll "when sent to Grave" effects, Deltatheros, and plenty of other cards.


Exciton: There are just those times when you can't get yourself out of a situation in any other way. You actually won't be Summoning this much unless you really have to or if your opponent has overextended themselves too far.


Then you have some other options like Starliege Paladynamo to work like #101 that lets you draw a card, #50 to get around Fire and Ice Hand, #82 to force your opponent to use a card effect to kill it while swinging for 2k damage, Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon if your opponent has more than one strong monster out, and #80 to hit your opponent's Grave. Generally, you're going to want to have only one copy of a each card that you put in your Extra Deck for the sake of versatility. The only exception in this Deck would be Susan. Susan is a OPT RotA who can attack multiple times, and you're going into it most of the time.


Not sure if I forgot anything, but I'm sure I got at least most of it.

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Ok so Extra Deck would be something like:

Bujntei Kagutsuchi
Abyss Dweller
Starliege Paladynamo
Tiger King

As for Main Deck, well wall of text and actually reading it. Good explanation of cards

As for Main Deck:

3x Yamato
2-3x Hirume
0-1x Mikazuchi
1-2x Arasuda
5x Hare/Turtle
1x Quilin
3x Crane
3x Tenki
2-3 Duality
3 Vanity's
and generic staples

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