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Why we don't like Yu-Gi-Oh.

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Konami sucks

-The anime pushes a pool of cards, while Konami expects players to buy their pool of cards unrelated to the anime.

Billy: I wanna play Flame Wingman like Jaden!

Konami: You'll lose to Dragon Rulers!

Billy: What's a Dragon Ruler?

Konami: ...how about Qliphorts?

Billy: Uhhh...?

-The emphasis on archetypes (f**k you, Zexal) removes the fun of deckbuilding, which is one of the best parts of card games.

-They focus purely on archetypes (and nostalgia, because some reminisce about the days when Yugioh didn't suck,) but won't sell more regularly-released Structure Decks to get players into the new stuff (DDD's, Performapals, etc.,) with the boosters having all the power cards.

-They continue to sell Starter Decks when it's obvious just by looking at the decklists that they don't help new players get into Yugioh the way they should.

-The banlist since Zexal era is used an excuse to print ridiculously powerful cards that enrages the already whiny playerbase, and as a hilariously lazy attempt at a Standard format without being called ripoffs.


The players suck

-They shame others for netdecking meta/FTK/anything proven to be objectively good.

-They take a moral high ground and preach creativity, then run an archetype deck, which requires minimal thought to build, and replace the good cards in that archetype with the bad ones.

-They're hypocrites: They hate meta decks, then champion them when the banlist makes them bad. See Blackwings and Six Sams.

-They preach about fun to justify everything they support, including running bad cards over proven good ones.

-They claim any deck that crushes them is "skilless", "mindless", or "auto-pilot."

-They're lazy and self-centered: They want the banlist to center around making their deck good by hitting everything that either their deck has to play around, or outright beats it.

-They want current power cards banned, then call for unbanning of old, far more powerful cards because "they have counters."

-They use terms like "fizzle."


Not worth the money

-Meta isn't worth investing hundreds of dollars in because the deck will be dead/ undermeta in a few months.

-Undermeta isn't worth investing in because it autoloses to meta. And, I'm not just going to play against other undermeta players exclusively, because it isn't fun to limit the people I play against.


But, should Yu-Gi-Oh! continue to exist?

Yes. It keeps (most of) the idiots out of the good card games.

Literally everything I would have said.


Makes me wonder though, why do so many of us keep playing this really terrible card game? There are other TCGs that are better on literally every level. I'm curious to know what keeps all of us coming back to it.

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Literally everything I would have said.


Makes me wonder though, why do so many of us keep playing this really terrible card game? There are other TCGs that are better on literally every level. I'm curious to know what keeps all of us coming back to it.

I assume because of how well known it is. Until recently barely anyone seemed to know what MtG was for instance.

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Literally everything I would have said.


Makes me wonder though, why do so many of us keep playing this really terrible card game? There are other TCGs that are better on literally every level. I'm curious to know what keeps all of us coming back to it.


That's a good question tbh.


Well, I'm a collector IRL and only sometimes play on DN so I can't really answer that.

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Unless you want Odd-Eyes Pendulum. That thing cost a bit.

Also, no online stores for AUS and barely any shops actually DO sell cards. ($40 for shipping from USA. SHIPPING GODDAMNIT!)

I'm lucky that there's a dealer nearby where I live [well, it's in the capital and I live about 15 or so miles from it].

Not really an inconvenience to just order online + pick up in-store (I'm over 18, so shouldn't have problems doing business with them)


Otherwise, it costs $5 or something to ship it. (Just have to ask parents to drive me there; though the parking sucks there, but I digress)



Then again, I don't really need OEPD now; considering Yuya.dek is not on my building plans. (Whatever card I mentioned earlier should be obvious)

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I'm lucky that there's a dealer nearby where I live [well, it's in the capital and I live about 15 or so miles from it].

Not really an inconvenience to just order online + pick up in-store (I'm over 18, so shouldn't have problems doing business with them)


Otherwise, it costs $5 or something to ship it. (Just have to ask parents to drive me there; though the parking sucks there, but I digress)



Then again, I don't really need OEPD now; considering Yuya.dek is not on my building plans. (Whatever card I mentioned earlier should be obvious)

I'm not really planning on a Yuya.dek, but I like Odd-Eyes Pendulum 'cause it looks cool and could actually be useful (Although I have regular Odd-Eyes, but w/e)


The only things shops nearby actually sell are the Dragon Ruler Tins, CyDra, Fire King, and Pendulum Structure Decks, Booster Packs and Premium Gold Boxes.

Not much to choose from (Probably because no-one in Australia actually knows what YGO is.)

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