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virus deck (rate/ critisise/ improve )

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3| White-Horned Dragon

2| Summoned Skull


3| Giant Germ

3| Infernal Dragon

1| Sangan

1| Snipe Hunter

2| Mask Of Darkness

2| Plague Wolf

2| Giant Orc


3| Double Summon

1| Heavy Storm

1| Mystical Space Typhoon

1| Monster Reborn

2| Pot Of Avarice

1| Smashing Ground

3| Shrink

3| Mind Wipe


1| Crush Card virus

3| Deck Devastation Virus

2| Eradicator Epidemic Virus

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Take out the Summoned Skulls for Skull Archfiends of Lightning.

Same ATK/DEF/level' date=' but with a 50/50 negate effect.

I'd also take out the Infernals for ORcs, at least it can stay on the field after it attacks.

And possible Cat of Ill Omen, he can grab any virus for your next draw, and also fits for CCV.


The problem, though, is that you have to pay Life Points. And it only works when targeted :[

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i did at first have skull archfiend but you take a load of damage with the deck anyways so it seemed a bigger risk to have. i was thinking of orc, so ill put it in, so ty. i did originally used Megamorph, but Plague Wolf works better. and their is a dark dragon monster tht goes to defence but its only on wc2008. and iv also made some edits to my deck

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