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Because, why not? [[Necloths]]


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Oh, I haven't looked much at Gungrir yet, so I could be missing why, but why use Tidal? 

Why Decisive Armor? I know it runs over a few things, but that's about it.

Also, when the deck literally dies to Vanities and can also die to Skill Drain, I'd think MST or Dekka at 3 would be a given. 
Valk's too good to drop, in my opinion. Either saves you the game or gives you the draws to win. 

I might drop Valk to one when Gungrir comes, though.

Also, I found Kaleido at two to work best. Especially considering you're not using a lot of E Deck space for it, anyway. 

I'd personally drop 101 for Castel and drop Exciton for Lavalval Chain. Chain can send Shrit or anything else (even a mirror if for some odd reason that would help), or put things like Manju (or whatever his name was) on top of your deck.


For the most part, this looks fine, though I might argue on points like putting Vanities at 3. 

Hell I may agree with you and put it to two, since thinking back on the like 50 duels I've dueled with them….Vanities clogged a fucking lot or showed up when it wasn't wanted. I just may have to test that.

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Decisive Armor isn't just a beater. With Sekka on the field, they either summon in attack position (and take damage), or their shit gets banished (and take the full damage). Its also an honest in the hand.


I only run 1 of it, because there are some things that Trish just cannot handle.

Plus, it wouldn't sit right with me, since Decisive Armor was one of my favorite synchroes back in the day

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