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This is an old tcg deck i had for a long time, which i'm currently using


  • No dark worlds, DDDs, or new cards and archetypes
  • only cards with the effect of discarding
  • This deck is meant to summon Fabled/beast Monsters, no SQD, or Junk SQD
  • i do not prefer cards like Heartland draco, upstart Goblin, dire wolf, wiretap, compolsury, fiendish chain...
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Posting Fableds to YCM is a surefire way to get called trash by black.

It's a surefire way for him to share his knowledge on how a deck that he knows really well should actually be built, and if anything, he's calling the deck trash.

I don't even Fabled and this looks wrong.

Fader, Maxx C, Doppel….and cards that should be played at 2-3 or not at all are in here.

Legacy of Yatagarasu? You couldn't just Upstart Goblin?

I'll let Black come in with his knowledge on the build, but those were just some of the immediate things.


Hey, this guy walked into Black's territory, it's not Black's fault.

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It's a surefire way for him to share his knowledge on how a deck that he knows really well should actually be built, and if anything, he's calling the deck trash.

I don't even Fabled and this looks wrong.

Fader, Maxx C, Doppel….and cards that should be played at 2-3 or not at all are in here.

Legacy of Yatagarasu? You couldn't just Upstart Goblin?

I'll let Black come in with his knowledge on the build, but those were just some of the immediate things.


Hey, this guy walked into Black's territory, it's not Black's fault.

Legacy of Yata garasu draws 1 card without a cost, upstart goblin gives opponent 1000 life points

I don't honestly see why are fabled wrong.

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Legacy of Yata garasu draws 1 card without a cost, upstart goblin gives opponent 1000 life points

I don't honestly see why are fabled wrong.

You dont want to have to wait a turn to get your hand going, although i do get what you mean, its just too terribly slow and pointless at 1.

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You dont want to have to wait a turn to get your hand going, although i do get what you mean, its just too terribly slow and pointless at 1.


True true, but i still have Dark world dealings, Maxx C, Rajin..i was gonna add Dragged down into the grave, but, it doesn't help as much as Dealings

It's wrong because you're running tons of extraneous cards, 1-odd you don't need, straight-up bad cards in the deck, and no focus.

So the first question is, do you want to run Traditional Fabled or Obedience Schooled Fabled?

1 What are these cards?

2 Obedience Schooled Fabled


The value of drawing a single card is to make the effective number of cards in your deck 39 but if you need to set it, you aren't really doing that. You're just delaying when you get the cards you need to explode with no real benefit.

Well, most of Drawing cards are either slow, or too costy:

1 Supply Squad is kinda slow

2 Pot of Greed is banned ( i could run illegal cards)

3 Jar of greed has the same purpose as Yata-garasu

4 I used to have Reckless Greed, i removed it because it slows the deck off just for 2 cards, especially in situations you need cards.

5 Allure of Darkness is good, it triggers fabled, but  Screw that, it doesn't work on them.

6 Morphing Jar is banned

7 As i stated, Upstart goblin doesn't fit this deck, even it costs, it has nothing to do with discarding, rather increases opponent's life points for a card


Nimble Momonga? Really?

Yes, i can special summon them through Obedience schooled, i can also run a raccoon XYZ with it.

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Obedience Schooled is a Quasar Build.

That I have minimal experience with.

It focuses on Sandayu and that new deer of the forest that comes out in NECH.

Upstart Goblin does fit the deck because you need to dig.

Yata is fine at 3 for Unicore Abuse, as is Reckless Greed in general, but that's classic build. Idk if you still run Reckless and possibly Yata, but you run Reckless first and both get maxed.

Morphing Jar is shit in this deck and always was.

Your HURR DURR DISCARD mindset is going to cost you a ton of games. It does not support the decks, it harms it. It generally only wants to discard by its own effects, though I have been fiddling with one card.
And tragedia is terrible here, while BLS is beyond winmoar.

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Obedience Schooled is a Quasar Build.

That I have minimal experience with.

It focuses on Sandayu and that new deer of the forest that comes out in NECH.

Upstart Goblin does fit the deck because you need to dig.

Yata is fine at 3 for Unicore Abuse, as is Reckless Greed in general, but that's classic build. Idk if you still run Reckless and possibly Yata, but you run Reckless first and both get maxed.

Morphing Jar is s*** in this deck and always was.

Your HURR DURR DISCARD mindset is going to cost you a ton of games. It does not support the decks, it harms it. It generally only wants to discard by its own effects, though I have been fiddling with one card.
And tragedia is terrible here, while BLS is beyond winmoar.

Wait, aren't Fabled supposed to be discarded to activate their effect?

What do you mean with Winmoar?

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