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Lunar Origins

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With the growing "risk" of Ebola, I'm here to offer you some important advice on how to survive this terrible epidemic.


Step 1: Live in the United States of America (or any other well-developed country of your choice with a health-care system)


Step 2: Don't be a health care worker who travels to developing countries


Congratulations! You've taken all the necessary steps needed to avoid the deadly Ebola virus. Thanks to me, you'll survive well into your golden years. You can thank me later.


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Just saw this.



Whats scary is how true this is, im not saying its Americans either, the whole world has their fair share  of obesity, people  who smoke and people who drink lots.

There's no reason to be scared of ebola since, if your in europe its unlikely youll catch it,but even so, there are other issues than it right now.I dont know why it gets so much attention..... It is seriously contagious though, i guess they just dont want it to spread at all.

But yeah, no need for fear really, aparrently alot of people can overcome it if the health care is semi-decent,

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The US haven't exactly done well with Ebola...especially with the nurse that went on a commercial flight whilst under observation.

Dying is just being a dead end host like with most parasites and parasites. They can't continue their cycle so we're useless.

Shame that the pharmaceutical companies only cared when it became  a problem.


It's more of the speed of the infection and the fact that the human body just struggles to cope with it's effects that is the main reason it gets so much coverage. Alot of other problems in developing countries have had a lot of coverage and attention paid to them such as Malaria (love that is only from Female Mosquitos) and Cholera. Those are constant problems and Ebola is now claiming more lives than any other outbreaks and it's the worst of the types of the Ebola virus.


I suppose I expected some sort of mature discussion here...nice to know people take it seriously.

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I suppose I expected some sort of mature discussion here...nice to know people take it seriously.

you really expected mature discussion from something that has been made into captioned images and an anime girl on the internet?
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