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Plot Twist: Businessman beat up at ~BS Tea Shop~

~British Soul~

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(Businessman before he received the bruises)


Earlier today, a businessman wearing shiny shoes going into ~BS Tea Shop~ and ordering his usual english breakfast tea was beaten up by a couple of youths (caught on CCTV) because they believed he had been harrassing a woman at a coffee shop who I found out by witnesses was known as Cappuccino, one sugar.


When he came around, he told me that he doesn't drink coffee and that he always gets his usual english breakfast tea before he goes to work (I can vouch for that as he is a regular here), and that he was told by witnesses who was worried about him that the youths had been watching a show called Dave Gorman Modern Life is Goodish which which was most likely the reason he was beaten up as they picked up his ordering habits at ~BS Tea Shop~ and thought he was an easy target.


The youths (who were caught on CCTV) have been banned from all branches of ~BS Tea Shop~

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