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[MtG] Playing Lands in Front.

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Nope. He played his deck into a curve, and it seemed he always had a good amount of threat to present. I just had all of my lands in front and won. Then he called me pretentious because he "couldn't" read my cards during the game. Even when he asked, and I showed him what the cards do. I even got a judge a few times to explain the cards since I thought it was more polite to do so, instead of me explaining it to him. 

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It is, Clique is just sweet as a utility, as well as for putting on pressure. Running Dig over it makes sense, though.


Also: Welcome to the MtG Modern UWR Control Discussion Thread.

Clique gets trumped a lot of the time by most removal and could hardly get in 6 points of damage. It is nice against combo decks, but Storm and Ascendancy draw into more or have other ways to get around it. Other decks, it is just a creature. It is probably the best card against Scapeshift, but that isn't that hard of a match up if you keep your creature removal low and your counter spells high. 



The card is amazing, but i don't think it is worth maining at the moment. Dig is just such a nice +1 and filter for the deck when you're behind, that I am never sad to see it. 

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But I would do the same for Affinity and during the Prerelease when the lands do nothing. 


Half your lands can become creatures, so I can see SOME reason for it. For a lot of people, lands go in back because reaching up to tap them is annoying. At least, I'm pretty sure thats the reason I've heard be given by some.

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My friend who taugt me to play magic use to do this, he said he learned that way because way back in the day, the starter guide showed playing lands in front of your other permanents.

I was going to mention that, the old books had the lands in front.they moved them back sometime around I think 8th edition?

and just to be weird, I've played with my lands on the side of my board. in color sets. people took note of my mana more, it was interesting.

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