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"Call of the Haunted" does not seem like a too great card in this deck. None of the Ritual or Synchro monsters can be Summoned with it; you have only 8 monsters which can be Summoned with its effect. If you take in condsideration that "Necloth Exomirror" also banishes some of the legal targets (as does "Tidal, Dragon Ruler of Waterfalls"), you can probably guess why I think this card has no buisiness in this deck.
But what do we replace it with? That is an interesting question, and I have some interesting suggestions as well. Just like "Yang Zing" monsters give additional effects to Synchro Monsters, "Djinn of Rituals" monsters give effects to Ritual monsters. Besides the additional effects they grant, they can also be used from the Graveyard as a Ritual Material(?). In particular "Djinn Releaser if Rituals", that card entirely shuts down the opponent's Special Summon. If you run them, you might also want to include a "Tour Guide From the Underworld" or two (and some Rank 3 monsters).
Then there is the point that you are running no "Preparations of Rites". That card can search for a level 7 or lower Ritual Monster and retrieve a Ritual Spell card from the Graveyard. If you search for "The Necloth of Brionac" you can then search for any "Necloth" Ritual Monster. Since you are not running any Ritual Monsters of level 8 or higher monster, you can search for any of your Ritual Monsters. So I would advice to run this at 3.
Since you won't be Synchro Summoning any of your Synchro Monsters any time soon, it does not really matter which cards you run here. However, they do end up in the Graveyard by the effect of "Necloth Exomirror". With that in mind and the reasonable amount of Warrior-Type monsters in your Deck, "Dragon Knight Draco-Equiste" might not be such a weird card to run. That card can replace a level 10 Synchro Monster, since it also level 10 and can be used as Ritual Material. If you decide to run that card, you should also run a "Miracle Synchro Fusion" (can also be used for "Supreme Arcanite Magician") or "Dragon's Mirror" (so you can also run "Five-Headed Dragon").


Those are my suggestions for change; what you you do with them is up to you, but I hope they are of some help to you.

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Thank you ! ^^

Still reading through what youve wrote properly but i have a question b4 i make changes (Just so i dont have to adjust the OP twice).

Are the level 10's in the Xtra necessary cus im not sure on how kaleido mirror works 100% like if you summon unicore and brionac do you send a level 10 or 1 level 6 and 1 level 4? 

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About that I am not entirely sure myself either, but YGOPro uses the combined level of the monsters you are about to summon ("The Necltoh of Brionac" + "The Necloth of Unicore" requires a level 10 monster) when using "Necloth Kaleidomirror". Also the card states that you send 1 card to the Graveyard; so sending a level 6 and 4 would not work. In that case it would either mean that the combined level must equal the level of the monster sent, or all Ritual Monsters must be the same level (summoning 3 "The Necloth of Unicore" by using "Herald of Rainbow Light"). The latter of which seems weird, at least in my opinion.


Also you are already runnig 2 level 10 Extra Deck monsters, so it wouldn't be a huge change if you were to replace 1 of those.

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It looks better though preparation of the rites is amazing for necloths as it gets either unicore, brio or claus[or go brio into claus/unicore] to thin the deck and get a faster set up. And wow just noticed DN doesnt have gungir on it yet, well thats annoying :/

, if you want test it vs my version of necloth? 

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thanks, should i take gold sarc out aswell ? cus i usually banish tidal to grab catastor.

Take out Tidal AND Sarc.

Run Trishula 2x

And Preparation of Rites 3x


You have a lot of things you could drop for the third Rites, but…I need to play the deck to figure out whether or not my next ideas are solid, so you figure that last card (or more, if more seem bad) out. =P

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"The Necloth of Catastor" does not seem all that bad in my opinion. Due to its effect, all "Necloth" monsters you control can instantly destroy any of your opponent's Special Summoned monsters, essentially turning all monsters you control in "El Shaddoll Construct". The downside is that you cannot choose to whether or not to activate the effect; your opponent won't take damage from the battle. Its effect that activates from the hand is mostly useless however; this due to the fact that it can only summon "The Necloth Sorcerer", "The Necloth Caster Shrit" or "The Necloth Warrior Exa" (which is a Dragon-Type...).
Also your Deck still seems to lack "Preperation of Rites". That card can search your deck for any of your Ritual Monsters, and retrieve a Ritual Spell Card as well. You can possibly take out a "Reinforcements of the Army". Or if you decide to take out "The Necloth of Catastor", it can replace that card.


Should you take "The Necloth of Catastor" out, I think that "Gold Sarcophagus" and "Tidal, Dragon Ruler of Waterfalls" can also go (unless you want to use him as a beatstick). Another point in removing it, is that you create space for another monster in your Extra Deck ("Ally of Justice Catastor" is no longer needed); this can be filled up with a high leveled monster to Ritual Summon multiple "Necltoh" monsters at once. See my first comment in this topic for the suggestions.

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Is quaser meant to be in here?



Also your Deck still seems to lack "Preperation of Rites". That card can search your deck for any of your Ritual Monsters, and retrieve a Ritual Spell Card as well. You can possibly take out a "Reinforcements of the Army". Or if you decide to take out "The Necloth of Catastor", it can replace that card.

Did you even care to look at my last update :(



Updated again.

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Catastor is bad because, not only does he have a useless effect, but his effect while on the field doesn't do anything compared to Trish, for example, and also revolves around BATTLE and destroying by CARD EFFECTs, both of which are not favorable in anyway this format.

D Prison, Floaters, immunity, etc etc.

He's awful, in every sense.


Yes, you need Quasar.

Quasar, Exa 2x, And Shooting Star.

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