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[MtG] Council's Judgment


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The problem with this guy in commander is that the more players you have in the game, the less of a threat your board state has to be to avoid your opponents just outvoting you. Still a pretty solid card, though.Would've loved to draft one in the multiple Conspiracy drafts I participated in, but luck just was never on my side. (And yeah, in Legacy it's hilariously good. The only way to deal with TNN bar counterspells.)

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The problem with this guy in commander is that the more players you have in the game, the less of a threat your board state has to be to avoid your opponents just outvoting you. Still a pretty solid card, though.Would've loved to draft one in the multiple Conspiracy drafts I participated in, but luck just was never on my side. (And yeah, in Legacy it's hilariously good. The only way to deal with TNN bar counterspells.)

The votes only hit cards you, the controller of the spell, don't control, not cards that the voter doesn't control. This means your things are completely safe from this card's effects.

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