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Ask Sakura anything

Flash Flyer - Sakura

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Well, I think I'm doing fine as the new CC moderator (and as of late, the only one that's remaining on the job; considering that other thing earlier and .Saber recently retiring a few days ago), but I feel that I need to get better at it.


As a member, I think I'm the same as I was prior to modship. Don't really have much to say.


We have a couple other members named Sakura here, but they're essentially non-existent [either they only use card maker or they're gone for good]. 99% of the time, if Sakura ever gets mentioned, it's either about me or the character in the discussion thread.


(Of course, some members still call me JK as a carryover from my original username; I had [politely] asked Icyblue to change it sometime in March 2010, but he didn't do it.)

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I pretty much have access to all of the forums on YCM, parts of the AdminCP (enough to do name changes, update points when I need to, make new forums and so on)


Of course, it also comes with the responsibility to enforce the rules (including the Advanced Clause), break up arguments in the section when I have to and other usual stuff. As a CC moderator, I have to make sure I can discern card quality in the section and make sure I don't come off as a bad example.



In other words, being a mod is great, just that I have higher standards to abide by.

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@Cow: I'll list them by other Types


Normal: Arceus / Eevee

Fighting: Lucario / Keldeo

Poison: Gengar

Water: Kyogre / Suicune

Fire: Entei / Ho-oh / Heatran / Blaziken / Infernape

Ground: Groudon / Rhyperior

Rock: Aerodactyl / Tyranitar / Terrakion

Bug: Scizor / Heracross

Grass: Shaymin-S / Virizion / Leafeon

Dark: Darkrai / Greninja / Absol

Ghost: Gengar (yeah he's listed in Poison as well)

Fairy: Xerneas / Sylveon

Flying: Staraptor (puts most other bird Pokemon found early on routes to shame), Charizard

Ice: Glaceon / Lapras

Electric: Raikou / Jolteon

Steel: Metagross / Excadrill




In no particular order.

  • 101 (do I need to explain why?)
  • 103 (see Rio)
  • DMG and Dark Magician
  • Exciton
  • Tech Genus Blade Gunner
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I'll mention the fact that I don't watch a ton of other anime; more or less limited to Pokémon, YGO and Naruto (yeah I need to expand on it).


Sakura in part 1 was kinda bleh; Shippuden made her better to some extent.

Hinata is a near second place; Ino kinda sucks [no offense], Tenten has no action nowadays; no other competent female characters beside Tsuna and Saku.


More or less forgot the reason why I like Sakura.



I also like Hikari (Dawn) and Haruka from Pokemon, but not to the same extent. 5Ds-wise, Ruka but then again she's 12-13, and I'm 19, going on 20 next month. (Then again, Yusei x Ruka ships are apparently existent, so...)

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