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1x Bear: Because you can't beat bear, man. Turns small ATK boosts into monster kills and searches searchers.

1x Arasuda: Xyz Summon requiring little work done that doesn't eat your Normal Summon is nice.

3x Hirume: Main enabler of Xyz plays. Also, you can put a Yamato into the banished for a potential Bujincarnated Kagutsuchi, but I don't think I ever really needed to do that.

1x Mikazuchi: Searches Bujincarnation, which is broke af. Outside of that, it encourages you to not go into Susan, which is sometimes a trap. I've been trying to use it as a pseudo Hare t1 when I discard Turtle, but that never does anything.

3x Yamato: Yamato is so much.

3x Crane: It's Honest. Its presence encourages your opponent to use up removal effects to take out your monsters, and those are easily covered by Hare and Turtle.

2x Hare: I'm trying 3x Turtle because of the rising popularity of nondestruction removal just to get around the floatiness of the current format.

1x Quilin: Is a kill from nowhere. Normally you can deal with things without this, but in emergencies Quilin is nice.

3x Turtle: As I said, rising popularity of nondestruction removal makes me consider running this @3 instead of Hare. Plus, there are some destruction effects that Turtle can cover, namely Fire Hand. Probably not the best time to test this since Raigeki's back.

1x Honest: Being able to use this on Hare or Turtle is amazing. Also, it works on all of Susan's attacks instead of just one.


1x Book of Moon: Helps ensure the survival of your monsters by stopping an attack or preventing your opponent from being able to use an effect. I've seen it dropped a lot in other Decks, but I don't know what to replace it with if I ever come to doing that.

2x Bujincarnation: It's really an unfair card that lets you suddenly go into Susan from nowhere and wreck things. Oh, and it lets you re-use a Hare/Turtle/Quilin. It's arguably better than Soul Charge because you keep your Life Points, this is searchable, this isn't Limited, and the drawback means little when you can go into Susan.

3x Tenki: You need Yamato early on or you die. Also, lets Bear murder things and the small boost is particularly nice on your bosses.

1x Foolish Burial: Sets up protection or Quilin. At worst, you can bluff with it.

3x MST: Probably too many, but I'm preferring this over Lance because a lot of Lance's protection can easily be covered by your Hares and Turtles.

3x Duality: Outside of going for an Xyz, Bujincarnation or Hirume, this Deck actually doesn't Special Summon much. So this improves consistency or grabs a good answer card without much drawback.


2x Black Horn: Free boss snipes are cool. I'm probably overrating this though.

1x BTH: Kills a thing and banishes it. Nice answer for Hand, or for several other things really. It's really hilarious against Soul Charge.

2x BTS: Stunning effects makes it harder to take out your monsters, which are pretty precious here. Not to mention BTS is good in general.

1x CED: Having some monster blast off is really helpful. It's nondestruction removal, which this Deck has little dosages of.

1x Solemn Warning: A more versatile Black Horn basically that covers Black Horn's blind spots (Special Summoning via effects).

1x TT: Interrupting board wipes are nice. It's even nicer when you're sitting on Kagutsuchi or have a Hare to save what you got.


1x Abyss Dweller: This is still nice against certain matchups.

1x Amaterasu: I usually go into this for the extra damage output since Arasuda SSes itself in Defense. I haven't really been able to figure out how to optimize this card's usefulness though, especially since it gets trolled pretty hard by BTS.

1x Kagutsuchi: It's even nicer considering I'm running only two Hares as this card is essentially two free Hares on top of a beefy body. It's very easy to secure this to the board with Turtle.

3x Susan the Dragonslayer: A 1/turn RotA for the archetype is reeeaaaalllly good. Extra attacks generally is also a pretty cool effect, and against some matchups (Yang Zing) Susan just slaughters everything and lets your other monsters crash in some damage. I hardly ever use it for its Foolish Burial effect.

1x Castel: Nondestruction removal that doesn't put the target into the Graveyard. Castel is very good. AND it gets along with Bujincarnation.

1x Daigusto Emeral: I'm running this because I fear burnout, but this hardly sees play honestly.

1x DRXD: While Susan can search Crane and essentially beat over anything it wants to, it still struggles when your opponent can get out multiple monsters that are stronger than it.

1x Exciton: It's excitoning. Basically, if there's no way anything else can beat the opponent's field, this probably can.

1x Shark Knight: A more fortified Castel that comes with nondestruction removal, though it puts the card into the Grave eventually. It's a nice alternative to Castel when putting the monster in the Grave isn't going to do bad things.

1x Blackship: Primarily an out to Hands. Would be better if I decide to switch to Lance since that means it can kill anything that's 2900 or under.

1x Rhapsody: Banish two problem cards, and then put it on Susan for a 3600 Ultimate Tyranno.

1x Heartlandraco: Testing this, but on paper it should force your opponent to spend resources to get rid of this. Either this or actually spend resources killing small 100 ATK boosts.

1x Paladynamo: I'm not sure on having four different anti-monster Xyzs, but it's here. If I have to make room, I'm not sure if I'd remove this or Shark Knight.



Don't trust the image. The ED choices are slightly different, and recently DN's screenshot taker doesn't work for me sometimes. There are no Fableds hidden in this Deck.


Every time I tell myself that I built this rather decently, I immediately tell myself that I'm the worst Bujin player ever. Suggestions, anyone?

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