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Ask Striker Anything

Nathanael D. Striker

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How did you first find YCM?

What's the average day in the life of Striker like?

Google. Trust me, I found YCM through Google since I wanted to make my own cards. Well, I wanted to see if it was possible and if something was around. That was May 2009, yet I didn't post until September 2009.

As for an average day, it depends in the day. Usually it consists of various amounts of school, work, and videogames. Moreso work than anything else TBH.
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Do you favor Kingdom Hearts or just happen to like using the avi/sig? If so, why do you favor Kingdom Hearts and who is your favorite KH character?

I do favor Kingdom Hearts, and it stems from my childhood as I enjoyed playing KH and KH2. I still own them and I'm working on beating KH again though rather slowly atm. As to my favorite character, hard to say TBH.
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Are you currently looking forward to KH3? If so, what band of Disney character(s) or world would you like too see? 
Personally, I want too see a Toy Story world.

While I want to get KH3, I don't have the money for a XBox One or PS4. ;~;

Though, I'd find it amusing if Star Wars pops up. XD
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