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YCM Grand Pokémon Tournament - Match 1-26

Flash Flyer - Sakura

We all want Flygon to Mega Evolve in ORAS, don't we?  

16 members have voted

  1. 1. Legendary sword pony vs volcano lion vs poison ghost vs sand dragon

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I figured Flygon would be an obvious choice for many of you, considering that it is the winner from the last tournament DL hosted.


I was torn between voting between Flygon and Keldeo, since both of them are Pokes I like relatively well; but went for the one that I use more often. (If things were different, certainly Flygon)

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Just like fate predicted, Flygon is the top choice in this match.

And oddly enough, one of the RNG's choices take the second.


(You better savor this, RNG goddess, because this is the last random nomination that'll you'll probably ever get here. Oh wait, you got Joltik as well; but don't expect them to last long)


@J-Max: Sure, why not. I'm not particularly busy with designing my other one (or for that matter, RC business).

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