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I still can't believe how quickly Shizuri did that.
Just based on what I read.
Uhh….I might actually just be Touma because I actually really like Touma's character.
He's what I would want to be, in a way.
Oh yes, a question...
Top 10 anime
Where can I find Toaru books and s*** 

1.) Raildex (counting them together)
2.) Tengen toppa gurren lagann
3.) Kill la Kill
4.) Chaika
5.) Yuruyuri
6-10.) Lol no clue.

Also, I downloaded then as pdf before they were taken off baka tsui

The Yuru Yuri days are ending. :(
Anyway. Question.
I've got this.
Top 3 anime pairings?

The awkward moment when I JUST got spike to watch it...
1.) Kinuhata and me Touma and 10032
2.) Misaka and me Sakurako and Himawari... purely coincidence
3.) Chaika Bohdan and me Simon and Nia
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Answer any/all of the following:

If you could be anywhere, including fictional worlds and universes of your imagining, where would you be?
Do you have any dreams or goals for the future? If you do, what are they?
Would you consider yourself to be happy? Why or why not?
What is the singular most important thing to you in the world? Why is it so important to you?
What sort of person do you perceive yourself to be?
What are your greatest faults?
What are your greatest strengths?
What is your greatest fear?
What are your greatest regrets?
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would you change?
If you could change one thing about the world, what would you change?
If you could have one reasonably balanced supernatural ability, what would it be?
Is there anything that you would sacrifice yourself for?
Do you believe in the goodness that lies in people’s hearts?
Who is the one person you are most grateful of?
Do you feel uncomfortable answering these questions?

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Academy city
100% every level in cytus.
Ultra-happy. It is difficult to be as amazing as me without being happy, to be frank.
My interactions with other people, since when I am gone, that will be the only lasting effect.
A liar with a superiority complex.
Lack of commitment
I am very good at manipulating others, though that is hardly a good thing.
Blood. I am hemophobic. Also, the concept of being alone for the rest of my life.
Moving without telling a certain somebody that I am in love with her. (Wow, that shit got deep fast...)
I would make myself a nicer human being. Kinda an ass, as is.
Same as above, but replace myself with literally everyone.
I really wish I could.
My best friend, whom I live with.
Only one of them.

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