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[MtG] Five Color Control

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This is just something I've been experimenting with.


Win Conditions

1 Villainous Wealth

2 Elspeth, Sun's Champion



3 Temur Charm

4 Dissipate


Spot Removal

3 Abzan Charm

3 Sultai Charm



3 Anger of the Gods

4 Drown in Sorrow

2 End Hostilities



4 Sylvan Caryatid

2 Prophet of Kruphix


Other Spells

4 Divination



3 Temple of Enlightenment

3 Temple of Malady

3 Temple of Mystery

2 Temple of Silence

2 Temple of Triumph

2 Temple of Plenty

2 Temple of Abandon

2 Temple of Deceit

1 Temple of Epiphany

1 Temple of Malice

2 Yavimaya Coast

2 Llanowar Wastes



No SB for the deck yet but would probably look something like this:

4 Despise/Thoughtseize

3 Banishing Light

3 Stain the Mind

3 Erase

1 Villainous Wealth

1 Cranial Archive


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Way too many tap lands, Your ruining your own tempo with so many temples. Red decks will have you dead before you have 3 open mana and midrange decks will just keep dropping dudes while you try to wrath and doom blade. If your going 5c control you need more pain lands or basic lands. Also, I'd rather use empty the pits over villanous wealth and replace one or two divinations for treasure cruise.

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Villainous Wealth is insanely good against a lot of decks, but yeah Empty the Pits seems good.


Will probably take out a bunch of the taplands for painlands/Confluences.


I never get enough cards in my grave to Delve a decent amount for Treasure Cruise. If the thing was an instant I'd consider it, but as it is I really don't like it atm.

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