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my crystal beast deck

Just Crouton

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hi im xxnarutothehedgehog7768686xx and im very creative and i put my heart and soul into this deck so say nice things or gtfo netdeckers lol xd!!!!!1!!!!!1!!!1!!!



rainbow dragon

crystal beast sapphire pegasus

crystal beast amber mammoth

crystal beast topaz tiger

crystal beast cobalt eagle

crystal beast amethyst cat

crystal beast emerald tortoise

crystal beast ruby carbuncle

seismic crasher

magna-slash dragon

gravi-crush dragon

larvae moth

elemetal hero neos

winged kuriboh

battle footballer

ojama yellow

black luster soldier envoy of the end

beaver warrior

ancient city rainbow ruins

crystal beacon

rare value

crystal blessing

crystal abundance

crystal promise

crystal release

crystal tree

block attack

beast fangs

pot of generosity

gift of the matyr


mystical wind typhoon

last resort

crystal raigeki

crystal pair

rainbow pair

rainbow gravity

gem flash energy

rainbow neos


i had to put in non-crystal beast cards because there arent enough because konami are greedy jews who only care about money and companies who don't give me what i want only care about money!!1!!!!!1!!!!!1!!!!!


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