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Blackwings! October Banlist 2014


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Hi Guys.... I didnt want to make the standard blackiwng build really tbh so i sorta tried to make a unique addition... What do you guys think?

Latest Version!



Old Version!



Being able to make Michael is fantastic, and remember the deck is meant to be unique so ideas for changes also have to be unique. Also, Delta Crow is half trap half spell so the trap > spell ratio isn't too out of whack.

Criticism is Welcome ^^ 


Does anyone know if powerful rebirth is EVER going to become TCG? If not it's still easily replaced by staples or CoTH... It doesnt really matter ATM anyway.... cus u can duel in OCG+TCG rated on DN and use the TCG banlist for some reason .....

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There is a few things I see that you should add/replace:

1. Add Black Sonic because it's a mirror force that banishes and also helps to deal with monster that "cannot be destroyed by battle" since destroying and banishing is two different things.

2. To summon Michael you need a LIGHT Tuner and I don't see a LIGHT Tuner in here.

4. I think you should run 1 Zephyros because you can only use it once per duel

3. Replace the Genex card to Steam the Cloak since that card I believe saves you from an OTK by summoning a token. (run 1)

5. For optional cards here is some that can help you more:


Kalut the Moon Shadow - the "Honest" for Blackwings

Dark Armed Dragon - Obvious reasons

Sirocco the Dawn - good card with Black Whirlwind

Catastor - Helps take down big monsters

Maybe add some Xyz monsters

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being able to make Michael on occasion and pressing on board and hand control by easily ssing sacred crane is really useful, and also is a gr8 target for powerful rebirth, powerful rebirth brings back sacred crane 90% of the time that i use it, sacred crane is unique and helps the deck alot, also there would be quite a few S/T again which could be potentially dead.


I dropped it to two cus i didnt wanna draw it, and now i barely ever do so its been pretty good with it at 2.

I dont wanna sound picky but i would like it to be slightly different from the current standard build.


Maybe Forbidden lance?

You talked about how you can use it on something that would otherwise be destroyed so maybe Lance....

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