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That One Boss . . .


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[background=#fbfdfe]Plus That One Boss has control of an Ameba.[/background]

Though it returns to your side of the field at the end of the turn you activated "Shien's Spy". Though it might be a somewhat more interesting duel if "That One Boss..." did actually play some cards. Could be a new addition to the game: dicide what the opponent does during their turn; but it is up to Draconus297 whether or not this will be implemented. But all of that aside.
Now since there is another level on our side of the field, my "The Calculator" gains another 300 ATK (18900 -> 19200).
Go, "The Calculator"; I count on you! ( :P)

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This is a simple game.
We are an endless field of Yu-Gi-Oh! monsters. You may select any monster that exists of the same Level as you (mods, you are Xyz monster with a Rank equal to your Level). Attack or activate an effect to chip down this monstrosity of an opponent with 800000 LP.

I am Mask of Darkness! I Flip myself into face-up Attack Position to add "Blasting the Ruins" to our hand. I attack for 900 damage.

799100 LP

We are an endless field of Yu-Gi-Oh! monsters.

Taking this to mean there are an infinite number of Yu-Gi-Oh! monsters on the field, well... hehehe.... As Chaos Necromancer, I activate Fake Hero to SS Bubbleman from my hand, then go with Bubble Illusion to play Rivalry of the Warlords, selecting Fiend-Type and blowing up an infinite field. Chaos Necromancer's ATK is now infinity x 300!


I kid, I kid XD
I'll actually post as Magician of Faith. I flip myself; add Book of Moon to my hand to flip Draconus297 face-down again, as he requested (as Mask of Darkness).
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I enter the field as the Level 6 Summoned Skull, then I use Ancient Rules to summon another copy of Summoned Skull, which I overlay for the Rank 6 Number 6: Chronomaly Atlandis. But I now use Rank-Up-Magic Argent Chaos Force to turn myself into Number C6: Chronomaly Chaos Atlandis. And by equipping Draconus' Number 17: Leviathan Dragon to myself, I detach 3 materials and Number 17 to make the boss' LP 100. I can't deal anymore damage however.


264500 - 264400 = 100

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It's okay Broke.

A lot of the set rules in main post got broken after a while (technically, mods don't have a Level rank so just have to correlate it to what our Level as normal members would be).


I'd still be Level 6 if I weren't mod, so Rank 6 is what I get stuck with. (But I Astral Forced my first monster, then overlaid GEPD that I SSed earlier along with another Level 8, went into 62 and whatever)



Anyway, game resets at 800,000, I suppose. Same field setup.


Direct attack with 62/Heliopolis



-   7,000


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Yeah, but you're Level 5 now and Benkei's L4. (Need to post the new LP total though)


Anyway, I activate another Astral Force and Rank-Up my R8 Hieratic Sun Dragon Overlord into the Rank 10 Number 99: Kibō'ōryū Hōpu Doragūn (Dragon King of Wishes - Hope Dragun)


Proceeds to strike for 8000 damage.



-   2600

729200 (Radiant)

-   8000

721200 (Mine)

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