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Technical difficulties



So, since I seem to be the only one having these issues. And I've tried clearing cookies and restarting to no avail and I would like some advice.

Here's the list of issues I seem to be having:
1.) Cannot click on "Add/Show Comment" on Status Updates.
2.) Cannot open Spoilers.
3.) When I click on the notifications or messages, it brings me to the page, instead of the usual drop box.
4.) When I post a status it brings me back to my profile.
5.) Quoting seems to not say the name of who is quoted.
6.) Sometimes when I post a comment that is in a list format (Like this, where I write a line, hit enter, write another) it gets all scrunched up. I have to edit post, and then submit post again to fix.

There might be more but this is what I've seen so far.

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