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Khans of Tarkir Prerelease


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I'm debating whether or not to go to the midnight release event. On the upside, one of my co-workers is gonna be there and I haven't been there in a while, which would be nice. On the downside... I haven't played Magic in years, and I doubt I'll ever be as good as I used to be, which isn't saying much.

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Prereleases are an extremely fun casual event, and, put simply, I can't recommend them enough. Plus, on the off chance you do well, you can gain value off of prize packs. If you haven't played in a while, I recommend the Temur clan. They look strong in limited, and lend themselves to multiple strategies with an easy to understand and easy to use mechanic.

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That is fair reasoning. In any case I hope you go and enjoy yourself.


I myself plan to ally with the Sultai Brood. Their rares are all pretty dang good (aside from one, which I will forgive because turtle hype) and the Delve mechanic seems powerful, especially with things like Taigam's Scheming and Hooting Mandrill at common.


I am also going to pay for a friend of mine to do the prerelease, and he is going to go Jeskai.

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Went Jeskai, 3-1.


First match - Jeskai mirror. Game 1, I was mana screwed. Game 2, he was mana screwed. Game 3, we had a proper fight going on. Thousand Winds morphed up against his all-in attack wiped him out. 2-1.


Second match - vs Mardu. Generally managed to out-control him. The white outlast creatures really help. There was one game where I got stuck on a single land after mulling to 5, but the other games got me the match win. 2-1.


Third match - vs Temur. Game 1: Turn 2 3/1, Turn 3 4/2, Turn 4 Bear Punch. Painful. Couldn't keep up with him on the other game either. 0-2.


Fourth match - vs Sultai. Game 1 had me stalled because they got a 2/5 reach on the board, holding off all my flying attacks. Meanwhile they got Abomination of Gudul down and began setting up nonstop. Games 2 and 3 didn't show that same archer as I slowly amassed lifelink fliers to crush him.


8 prize packs. No fetchlands. Got Sidisi and cobra hydra though.

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Went abzan, my original plan was to go midrange but pulling a Sorin made me change to aggro. Duneblast was my promo and the rest of my pool was pretty bad. Aggressively mulling so I could get a t4 Sorin proved to work. No decks could really handle him early. The life gain and extra damage was pretty huge.

Game 1 against Mardu, resolved Sorin on t4 twice and blew my opponent out both games


Match 2 against Sultai, first game I curved out well and got Sorin out, easy and fast win. Game 2 Got Sorin out but he managed to take control of the board. I sat at 60+ life until I drew duneblast and wiped the board. He cycled through his deck so fast he decked himself before he could kill me.


Match 3 against abzan. I took game 1 with Sorin but it was pretty clear he had more removal in his pool. He stabilized at 5-8 Heath the last two games and grinded out wins


Match 4 against Jeskai, not much to say here, I had pretty Nutty opening hands both games and took some quick and easy wins


I got into the top 8, it was 4:30am

Match 5 against Temur, even with Sorin the Temur fatties were too much, some misplays due to fatigue costed me the first game, plus the guy had piles of removal. Lost both games but they were both pretty Grindy.


I missed top 4 but got 3 packs as a prize, got a polluted delta and a rattleclaw mystic.

TLDR: Sorin does some serious work

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And I prereleased. Went 4-0 winning 6 packs with Abzan. Played 3 Mardu and 1 Temur. All 3 of my Mardu opponents had Zurgo, which was funny.


Anyway, the deck


Disowned Ancestor x2

Herald of Anafenza

Ainok Bond-Kin

Temur Charger

Archers’ Parapet

Alpine Grizzly

Grim Haruspex

Sage-Eye Harrier

Longshot Squard

Armament Corps

Abzan Guide

War Behemoth

Hooded Hydra

Shambling Attendant


Debilitating Injury

Suspension Field x2

Kill Shot

Throttle x2



Abzan Banner

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Pulled Sarkhan in my pool and Sorin in the prize packs. Not a bad night.



All I want to say is that this format is FANTASTIC. Like, wow. Every game I played was amazing.



I had the same thing happen. First 6 games (3 matches) were super good and all close. Granted I kind of nearly punted one, but was able to avoid a few kill cards from him and was able to draw out of it. Only my last match was pretty meh, but that was mostly due to us already splitting and him having bad keeps. Can't wait till Friday so I can draft some Abzan.

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Our prerelease was delayed until the first weekend of october due to lack of product getting to Argentina...which sucks not only we have a heavy overprice on all magic related products but the stuffs that are happening in our country makes playing magic so hard ATM...

Oh well at least I can try to grind up the money I need by then...so we'll see.

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