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Scrap pendulum deck.


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If you want to run Star Eater so badly, run Redox. It tunes with Beast for 11, and makes Golem infinitely less dead in your hand.


Anyways, Kong sucks. It's a slower version of Orthrus that eats up your Chimera Summon. You ABSOLUTELY NEED three Chimeras because Chimera is just crazy good for being a "Normal Summon from your Extra Deck" monster. I want to say get rid of all of the Pendulums so you can actually have space for things like staple Traps, Lance, and maybe a Shark (activating Factory after NSing Shark is an instant Twin Drag), but you for some reason want to run Pendulum Scraps. Third Scrapyard and Terraforming could be taken out for Foolish and something else. Scraps also typically have plenty enough Spells for Summoner Monk, who is also another "NS Extra Deck monster" card who sets up Beast for future Chimera plays.

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