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[Pkmn] Gourd Gang (Gourgest.Dek)


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Pokemon - 17

3 - 3 Gourgest  (Phantom Gate)

2 - 2 Slurpuff (Phantom Gate)

3 Kangaskhan EX

2 - 2 Milotic (Flash Fire)


Items - 22

3 Evosoda

2 Float Stone

3 Max Potion

3 Muscle Band

2 Professor's Letter

4 Roller Skates

2 Switch 

3 Ultra Ball


Supporters - 13

4 Cheren

2 Colress

3 Professor Juniper

4 Tierno


Energy - 8

4 Psychic Energy

4 Grass Energy


>Gourgeist is a 200Hp wall with a grass energy, and can do stupid amounts of damage with its attack

>Slufpuff draws 1 Each turn while you set up, and it also sets you up.

>Kangaskhan Draws 3 Each turn it's active, allowing massive hands early on

>Milotic instantly sets up for Gourgest to attack.

>Evosoda Searches Gourgeists, Slurpuffs, and Milotics easily

>Max Potion Keeps Kanga and Gourgeists alive for longer (You dont need much energy until you start hammering away with gourgesit)


If I'm missing soemthing, ask.

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