Mutant Monster RAEG-HAPYP Posted September 12, 2014 Report Share Posted September 12, 2014 Phantom Gate is Japan's next Pokemon set. The translations came up yesterday: Discuss. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dementuo Posted September 12, 2014 Report Share Posted September 12, 2014 A lot of the EXs (Except Gengar, really) seem pretty decent. I'm actually a little concerned about Spirit Link, letting you Mega Evolve AND attack in the same turn. Lysandre's Last Resort is pretty cool, too. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Airride Posted September 12, 2014 Report Share Posted September 12, 2014 Airride reviews a set again Venomoth is Slowking, but without the pain of having multiple. And not being able to attack. ...Eh. Yanmega seems like it'd be a fun, silly deck, but 3 for 100 is kind of mediocre on a Stage 1 with 110. Levanny is neat as a Tool Searcher. Not great, but neat. Pyroar is notable for having Lysandre as an Ability, but its attack sucks. WWCC on Feraligatr for 160 + whatever the defending min has on it seems devastating. Somebody find a good spreader for this to work with. Lumenion is neat for being able to search 2 Evolution cards pretty easily. Manectric and Mega Manectric are awesome. They do tons of damage for miniscule energy costs, AND Mega can set up more of your cards. Electric's making a comeback, I think. My opinions on Gengar and Mega Gengar are in their original topics. They're mediocre at best. The crobat line seems really cool. They all do snipe for 1 C, and their abilities do more snipe damage. ...I guess this is the partner to Feraligatr, huh? Chandelure is luck-based for being a double after math on a flip, but its attack is also decent. It's okay. ...Night March.Dek has potential. If we get more Pokemon with it, of coruse. Gourgeist...I want to build a deck around. Cheren, Tierno, etc, with a grass energy to make it massive beefcake...eheheh. Gigalith Has multiscale. Meh. Malamar EX...Too bad Victini was rotated (I think), otherwise this would be amazing. As it is, it's still...good. Florges EX is a Jirachi OPT or has do the wave, but only counts Fair and Grass. It's a food thing Faries are ALL about Support. Aromatisse, Slurpluff, and another couple...seems good. Target wistle seems nice for getting soemthing on tghe field to snipe for a Win. Not too much else, really... Battle Compressor could be used in Manectric or whatnot. Being able to mill is quite nice, even in a very discard-hostile game liek this. Substitute robot is neato. With the stadium that prevents bench damage, it might be good in some decks... AZ is the original Scoop up, but as a Supporter. Eh. I love that full art, though. Xerosic sucks. it's half a Tool Scrapper, or an Enhanced hammer, a Supporter. So you cant draw that turn, basically. I guess utility is nice, but...Still. Lysandere's Last Resort is awesome. It can give you back expended resources (Ie: Evolutions, Items against certain matchups, energy, EVEYTHING) , AND mess up Discard-Dentered Decks. Defnitly not more than a 1 or 2 of, but still awesome. Overall, I give this set a StupidDeckPotentialEverywhere/10. Not good competitivly (Aside from menectric, holy balls that thing's gonna be good), bnut damn, so many silly decks. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mutant Monster RAEG-HAPYP Posted September 12, 2014 Author Report Share Posted September 12, 2014 Which Victini are you referring to? If it's the Victory Star one, that's still in rotation thanks to Legendary Treasures. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Airride Posted September 12, 2014 Report Share Posted September 12, 2014 Which Victini are you referring to? If it's the Victory Star one, that's still in rotation thanks to Legendary Treasures. sweet Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Spinny Posted September 12, 2014 Report Share Posted September 12, 2014 Regigigas' first move is hilarious. you can use it turn 2 with a double colorless, and gain domination pretty damn quick. Gourgeist is just like.... WTF are you doing, may have a potential huge max HP stat but with all the setup/evolution you have to do and the poor amounts of damage.... its not going too see much play, disappointing since the last gourgeist was stunning. Klefki has a nice search ability, will be seeing quite a bit to alot of play at times. Diggersby has a bit of potential combined with dusknoir and such cards, but again its power isnt worth what it does. AZ is pretty dumb, run cassius over it any day. Its a pretty interesting set with some clear winning cards. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Airride Posted September 12, 2014 Report Share Posted September 12, 2014 AZ is pretty dumb, run cassius over it any day. why would you run something that returns your mon to your deck over something that returns your mon to your hand NEITHER ARE EVEN GOING TO BE PLAYED Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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