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[MtG] Khans of Tarkir Previews - 12/09 FULL SPOILER


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We now have a fairly good 'dump 5' card that essentially scrys five in Taigam's Scheming. Anyone who's been saying that Delve is costed too high doesn't understand how Delve works.

Also, there's a Lamnasu. Cute! And a blue Elk!

I do also like how the Limited format is looking to pan out. The removal is a bit more balanced around the board compared to in Theros.

And, finally, the new Seek the Horizon art is the most magnificent thing I've seen for a while.

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To be fair, every new set, while introducing new toys to work with, will also (re-)introduce answers to rein in the previous format. Consider the flashback hate in RTR, for instance.

Feels like there's a ton more Theros hate across M15 and KTK, though. End Hostilities, Erase, Back to Basics, etc. I'm forgetting a few, I'm sure.

And Death Frenzy looks like it'd be fun in Pharika. (:
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