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Site Traffic?


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How has site traffic been? Around 2009 I started making cards. I was only around for a couple of months but I think I remember the Realistic sections (singles and multiple) generally having more replies/posts. But maybe that's because there was that one member x-something (their avatar was Mai) who posted in EVERYTHING and mods seemed to dislike him/her. Not sure if that person is still even around, but in mid 2012 I came back and only checked this place out for around a week. Even then things seemed a little more lively but a bit slower. I've only been around for a little over a month, and there doesn't seem to be as many posts/replies anywhere. I'm just curious how has the traffic been on this site over the years?

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Realistic Cards was much more active in the older days of YCM (2010-2011ish), that's for certain. It's gotten slower nowadays, yes.


The member you're referring to is ragnarok1945, who isn't here anymore (he had around 50,000 or so posts when he got banned).

I know for certain my early predecessor in the Custom Cards section didn't really like him much (talking about Icy); can't be sure about the other CC mods at the time. I vaguely remember some of the regular members weren't particularly fond of him either.


Granted, I took a break from YCM near the end of 2011 (for personal reasons) and didn't return until September 28, 2013, so can't really speak about YCM's activity level during 2012. I can assume it was still relatively active, and at some point declined prior to returning.



Nowadays, YCM is still active, but just that CC isn't as active as it was in the past. We still get people posting stuff, but it's at a more manageable level to deal with when intervention is needed.

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The member you're referring to is ragnarok1945, who isn't here anymore (he had around 50,000 or so posts when he got banned).

I know for certain my early predecessor in the Custom Cards section didn't really like him much (talking about Icy); can't be sure about the other CC mods at the time. I vaguely remember some of the regular members weren't particularly fond of him either.


The only people who liked that emotional trainwreck were new people who were bad at the game, so of course they took his advice at face value. Josh had his own reasons to hate ragnarok (threatened to kill / harm / whatever Josh's family / friends, or sth like that, can't recall all the details). I, myself despised him on the grounds that he was spewing so much stupid advice (if you could even call it advice) on such a large scale.

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I actually kind of remember this. (I was very barely active way back then for a month or two.) And I remembered even me, who didn't know anything, saw his posts and wondered what the heck he was on about. Though I do remember a lot of new people listened, so the hate makes sense.

It is certainly less active in RC and General than back then, but back then there was a lot more spammy replies to cards.

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i cant really speak too much about traffic because i left this place while it still was highly active, but from what ive been able to gather, a lot of crazy stuff happened and a lot of highly active members started to get banned/left and nowadays not much goes on.

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