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[CFV] Royal Star-Vaders


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1 Star-Vader, Brave Fang
4 Star-Vader, Apollo Nail Dragon
4 Star-Vader, Meteor Liger
4 Star-Vader, Nebulacaptor
4 Recollection Star-Vader, Tellurium

4 Barrier Star-Vader, Promethium
4 Minimize Star-Vader, Mayoron
4 Star-Vader, Bolt Line
3 Demon Claw Star-Vader, Lanthanum

4 Companion Star-Vader, Photon
3 Flash Gun Star-Vader, Osmium
3 Silence Star-Vader, Dilaton
2 Unrivaled Star-Vader, Radon

4 Star-Vader, Blaster Joker
2 Star-Vader, Imaginary Plane Dragon

My line-up feels as if it's fairly standard considering everything, but I'll go ahead and explain some of my choices anyway.

- Lanthanum: If Lanthanum's around when you begin locking your opponent's rearguards, he's going to become a huge powerhouse to helps your 9 hit a relevant number against most decks. If you use it in conjunction with Blaster Joker, he'll be a 17000 booster during that turn. Using it in conjunction with Imaginary Plane Dragon allows for it to become a 13000, which is still fine considering that pumps 9s up to becoming 22. Feels as if you don't want too many though since they'll probably clog given half a chance, but you'll want to see enough so that you can actually place it down for explosive turns. Also it feels like it'll be the sickest booster behind Blaster Joker considering how Marron + Lanthanum + Blaster Joker = 46000 2 crits.

- Radon: 12000 attackers aren't really played much, but since you're locking one of your own rearguards you're going to be needing something that can constantly attack at your opponent's vanguard from that slot. While you could argue that placing a Grade 3 down has the same result, there's only ever 3 that you want to place down (Imaginary Plane) as you don't want to be calling Blaster Joker to anywhere but the Vanguard Circle due to how important it's Crit ability is. Also to be honest I like Radon a bit too much so there's also that.

- Imaginary Plane Dragon: While I was looking through the legions this morning for Link Joker, I mainly came to the conclusion that a lot of them just don't do a whole lot of anything without taking up a bunch of slots and overall just making the experience pretty bad. Imaginary Plane, however, is an exception. Since his mate is already something that you'll be playing in a deck like this due to the nature of how it works, it doesn't require much more deck dedication than just placing him in the deck. His skill isn't that bad either, since he makes your soul heavy for Blaster Joker while also creating a triangle lock by himself for CB2. By no means a bad card, just wish that there was something potentially a little better to play in it's place.
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