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[Post-Tarkir Modern] Esper Mill

CLG Klavier

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4 Hedron Crab
2 Snapcaster Mage
4 Archive Trap
3 Breaking/Entering
4 Glimpse the Unthinkable
4 Mesmeric Orb
4 Mind Funeral
4 Path to Exile
4 Surgical Extraction
4 Thought Scour
4 Visions of Beyond
1 Ghost Quarter
3 Flooded Strand
1 Godless Shrine
1 Hallowed Fountain
2 Island
1 Oboro, Palace in the Clouds
1 Plains
4 Polluted Delta
2 Swamp
3 Watery Grave
3 Crypt Incursion
2 Disenchant
4 Leyline of the Void
2 Supreme Verdict
4 Thoughtseize
With the inevitable increase of number of fetchlands, and in turn library shuffling in Modern, I have a gut feeling that two decks abusing that fact - Hatebears and Mill - will rise slightly higher in the tiers than they already are. Hatebears are a real deck already, so I decided to give mill a shot, ESPECIALLY that it gets two in-color fetchlands, making the mana base slightly more consistent.
What in my opinion still hurts the deck is lack of real turn 1 play (Hedron Crab isn't really a 1-drop, dropping it so early and making it vulnerable to dying isn't worth it), so your turn 2 is slightly clogged. Mesmeric Orb might also become Peer Through Depths or something similiar for a bit more draw power, even though running 4 Wannabe Ancestral Recalls is already solid.
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Mill isn't going to be increased in power level as the number of shuffles would hardly change. Decks are only adapting, not increasing the number of Fetchlands they play. The problem with Mill is that is doesn't have a fast plan and Mill is a helpful tool for many decks to go against. Crypt Incursion is the best card, but unhelpful against Zoo and Affinity if you don't Mill faster than they attack. Experienced players can play around Path to Exile way too easily, and only easier if they are up against a mill deck. It is strongest against control because of the slow rolling and each spell doesn't have as much problem being used. But it is still too slow to change anything, so no Mill will not increase in Tier level. It will remain weak, but just easier to have a mana base for. 


Grixis Control is a deck that will be increased, and one deck that will become a better player in the field because of the more consistent mana base. Hatebears isn't going to be changed or become stronger for the same reason that Mill isn't. And less because of how weak it is against BurnControl with too many answers. It is way too fun to mess with a player when they don't use their resources well, like a Path to Exile while they are playing Hatebears. Decks are harder to play when there is a lot against them. Mill only provides answers to Control decks and loses to quickly to Jund/BGx Midrange. 


Domain Zoo is also an essential deck that has to be looked at because of the Onslaught Fetchlands being reprinted. Jund changes a bit, too, with Blackcleave Cliffs becoming significantly weaker at the moment. 


You should run more Ghost Quarters, 2-3 is the right amount for it because it hits harder than Path to Exile does, forcing an opponent to search while you have an active Archive Trap or they fall short of lands. It is also helpful against Scapeshift and Affinity more than anything, while Path to Exile can blank way too easily. I also wouldn't run any Godless Shrine because it doesn't tap for U, which is your most needed color. You're not prohibited by anything that requires double WW or BB, which makes it pointless to run. It would be easier to run another Hallowed Fountain for a hard cast Archive Trap and to support Snapcaster + Shenanigans better. 

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