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pokepic-game editor shop-first 10 free


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Pokepic-Game Editor

*currently only edits gold/silver/crystal

Please Read: I, Vlad Ashram, and the YCM society are not liable for any illegal usage of copyright material.

(even though this is as illegal as poke-maps)

I will edit you pokemon roms if you are able to send them to me. Lets say you want lugia to look like shadow lugia, then all you have to do is find a way to send me a rom, a new pic for the pokemon, and what pokemon you want me to edit OUTSIDE of this site, such as e-mail. Then what I will do is use a program I am not at liberty to name and switch the pics for them.



You first 5 orders are free.




Normal price is 12 points plus a gratiuity of one posative rep with no negative reps for 48hrs after payment(that is a forced tip, not payment!!!)

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