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[MtG] Khans of Tarkir Previews - 05/09


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Guys the Token Making card is a Freaking Instant...that has to do something for it...


Anyways...oh look the 3 colors 3 Mana creatures are a Cycle of Sorts...cool this one is pretty cool too, quite versatile, maybe the Blue Abilitie should have costed 2 to make it scaled effects but I think dodging stuff for only 2 mana would be kinda strong in such an efficient creature.


Enchantment is Cute with Abzan Supremacy or whatever the wedge enchantment in named.

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Guys the Token Making card is a Freaking Instant...that has to do something for it...

Everyone's complaint is how expensive it is though. You're paying 6 mana for a tapped 2/2 at instant speed. 8 for 2, 10 for 3, etc. As you get higher up yea it gets better, but it's already a high cost.


Delve is the only thing that can save it so we'll have to see.

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