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[MtG] Khans of Tarkir Previews - 04/09


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First OMG That clone...at first I thought Clone at mythic? the read nonland and rememberes it can clone Planeswalkers...it can f***ing clone planeswalkers!!!!


Out of the Intro Pack Rares I'm liking Sage of the Inkward Eye= Ankle Shanker>Ivorytusk Fortress>>Rakshasa Vizier>Avalanche Tusker in terms of build around me stuff to go on the prerelease...plus is nice how all the cycle cost the same and balances out well there....(Except Avalanche Tusker is so bad compared to the other but)


Crater Claw I don't really care (Is a nice card and all but IDK)

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The claws with the ferocious part are basically shock that can throw more mana in to deal more damage.

Impersonator is awesome for the majority of decks that I build.

Why are all of the others 5 drops?


They are the Intro Pack Rares (Prerelease Promos) They kinda intentionally made them a pseudo cycle

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Is there an exploitable combo here, or is merely something that Phyrexian Metamorph can do? If it's the latter, Phyrexian Metamorph is better.


Something like:

Play a PW - ability then cloning it dispaching the used up one to use the clone's ability or something like that...

Say you cast an Elspeth Sun Champion, go for her -3, then clone her stick with the newer Elpeth and up her up to 5 and create a new token, next turn you repeat.

Comboing with both abilities of Garruk, Caller of Beasts

Playing Multiple Lands with Koira

Generating A lot of Mana with Koth



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Something like:
Play a PW - ability then cloning it dispaching the used up one to use the clone's ability or something like that...
Say you cast an Elspeth Sun Champion, go for her -3, then clone her stick with the newer Elpeth and up her up to 5 and create a new token, next turn you repeat.
Comboing with both abilities of Garruk, Caller of Beasts
Playing Multiple Lands with Koira
Generating A lot of Mana with Koth

Well, that isn't repeatable with Mimic Vat and probably a bad idea anyway since it gets exiled. And not hugely abusable with Soul Foundry either since planeswalkers are hugely vulnerable.
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Intro Pack Rares, yes. Prerelease promo is a silly thing to say, considering that they are each only one of 8 for each clan.


ooooooh True I forgot the 40 Prerelease Promo Gimmick that they are doing this time...well now that I think about that would be odd...I really wanted to play those guys at the prerelease...

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