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What if the Rock played Yu-Gi-Oh?


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"It doesn't matter now what happens I will never give up the fight
There is no way I will run away from all of my frights
Long as the voice inside me says go, I will always keep on running
There is no way to stop me from going to the very top
It doesn't matter who is wrong and who is right"


Now I want to play Sonic adventure again lol.



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Posted this on Reddit, and this was one of the comments:


FINALLY! The Rock! Is back! In Domino City!

The Rock is excited to be here - yes, excited - because The Rock has an opportunity to once again show that jabroney Yogy Momo what The Most Electrifying Man in Duel Monsters Today is all about. Last month, at Duelist Kingdom, you had the audacity to challenge The Rock for his title of King of Games. The Rock accepted your challenge, brought you down to the Smackdown Hotel, checked you in, even brought your bags up your room for you, and then kicked your skinny ass right out the damn window.

And here you are. Once more challenging The Rock for his title. Well let me tell you this: The Rock has already warned you once about challening him. This time, The Rock pulls no punches. This time, The Rock makes sure you do not challenge for his title a third time. Tonight The Rock will lay the smackdown like he never laid the smackdown before. You better trust The Rock when he says that tonight Yoyo Marshmallow will walk out of that ring with a completely new perspective on his career. The Rock will make damn sure that you and all those that cheer for you know that this title is going nowhere.

The Rock is gonna sprinkle a little smackdown here, a little smackdown there, a little smackdown all over you. And when all is said and done and you cannot take anymore The Rock is gonna take this duel disc, spit on it, shine it up real nice, turn that sumbitch sideways, and shove it right up your candy ass.


Is cookin'.

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