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Forest Fire

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So, I decided to try my hand at making a deck and decided on a Heart-eartH deck. 



[spoiler Deck List:] 

Monsters: (25)

Anteatereatinggiant x2

Artifact Achilleshield

Artifact Aegis 

Artifact Beagalltach x2

Artifact Chakram x2

Artifact Failnaught x2

Artifact Moralltach x2

Artifact Scythe x2

Arcanite Magician/ Assault Mode 

Dark Sage

Dark Magician x2

Prisma x2

Time Wizard

Winged Kuriboh LV9

Moisture Creature

Winged Kuriboh

Winged Kuriboh LV 10 (because why not?)

 Spells: (12)

Reinforcement x2

Assault Revival x2

Transcendent x2 

MST x2

Allure of Darkness

Pot of Duality x3

Traps: (9)

Assault Mode x3

Royal Decree x2


Surrender x2

Royal Command 

Extra: (5) (probably need more that 1 of each..)

Number 53

Number 92

Number C92

Arcanite Magician

Dark Paladin (for Prisma)


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Not to seem like a killjoy... But why bother trying to make Chaos Dragon? It's normal form is vastly superior.
idk... kinda like kuriboh lvl 10... why not... but then again... you're right it's normal form is superior in ways, i just had to take a second look. 

this is kinda bad, there's too many things going on for any kind of consistency.
i was trying to give 53 summon support and then if he was destroyed or just had to few materials, level 9's for 92.
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