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[MTG] Wingmate Roc

Flame Dragon

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Mythic? Weird. I mean, See the Unwritten actually feels Mythic to me, but this just doesn't.


Not a bad card though. Actually really strong. It's 6/8 flying with an upside for only 5 mana. But even then, not sure if it'll make a splash in Standard.

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I'm usually fine with Wizards rarity-placing, but this could have been rare if they really wanted. Nowhere near as ridiculously game-winning as Archangel of Thune for example in Limited.

Still, powerful card. Might make a splash, might not. It's fairly close to Scion of Vitu-Ghazi. Not sure what that says.

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So, remember the last time Wizzers printed a 5 CMC guy with lifegain and an included token?

This is a white Thragtusk. With evasion. I feel the mythic rarity is simply there to stop limited from exploding.


The lifegain is relevant because you're Mardu and swinging in anyway. It gives you a little padding on the backlash so you don't just die from repeatedly heading into the red zone.

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So, remember the last time Wizzers printed a 5 CMC guy with lifegain and an included token?

This is a white Thragtusk. With evasion. I feel the mythic rarity is simply there to stop limited from exploding.


The lifegain is relevant because you're Mardu and swinging in anyway. It gives you a little padding on the backlash so you don't just die from repeatedly heading into the red zone.

Thragtusk was a tad bit faster though.

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