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[CFV] I have no idea what I'm doing(Dimenison Police).

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This is on that new Cardfight Online thing.


Grade 0

Dimensional Robo, Daimagnum

4x Dimensional Robo, Daibattles

4x Dimensiona Robo, Daicrane

4x Dimensional Robo, Gorescue

4x Dimensional Robo, Goflight


Grade 1

4x Dimensional Robo, Daishield

4x Dimensional Robo, Daimariner

4x Dimensional Robo, Kaiser Grader

1x Dimensional Robo, Daitiger


Grade 2

4x Dimensiona Robo, Daidragon

4x Cosmo Beak

4x Dimensional Robo, Daidriller


Grade 3

4x Super Dimensional Robo, Daiyusha

4x Ultimate Dimensional Rono, Great Daiyusha

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Off the top of my head.


If you're going to Great Dai, then



-1 Great Dai

-2 Super Dai


+3 Daiyard: Sit on this, call Super Dai, Superior Crossride for 19000 Crit 2 Great Dai


Lineup will be 3 Yard, 3 G-Dai, 2 S-Dai.



-4 Cosmo Beak

-1 Driller


+4 Kaizard: Ride Daiyard over it, set off Daiyard's +1 Crit.


Lineup will be 4 Dragon, 4 Kaizard, 4 Driller.


You can also swap Driller for Daifighter.



-4 Kaiser Greater: Don't need this unless you run Daikaiser


+3 Daitiger

+2 anything(?): Daisy? Dailander? Daibrave? Gocannon? Anything. Not counting the totals right now.


Lineup will by 4 Tiger, 4 of whatever D-Robo, 2 of whatever D-Robo, 4 Shield



-4 Goflight (Stand)

-4 Daicrane (Draw)


+4 Justice Cobalt (Crit)

+4 Demonic Eye Monster, Gorgon (Crit)


12 crits are awesome.


Lineup will by 12 Crit, 4 Heal


You can also swap Magnum for Warrior of Destiny, Dai if you want to.


Try testing this.

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