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Cardfight Online Official Discussion Thread

Maeriberii Haan

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Ok me and Sunn O)))) found some problems..

The starting vanguards are hilariously buggy.

its hilariously laggy.

And my decks dont load very well.


Starting vanguard problem often happens before you start your first turn and ride, but it'll automatically fix itself later in the game.


Lag's due to shitty server, it'll hopefully be fixed soon after the cards has finished being uploaded and bugs has been ironed out.


Was it image problem or something else in regards to deck?

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I got an acc made yoesterday and finally got to play today with legion tachikazes so much fun wrecking shop with quake and attacking so many times with bite  in a turn:3.


Anyways, username there is Veshuliq. I've seen balias early today playing in unranked :P


Though i will say the site does need optimizing, and I did see a bug[only happened on my opponent's side while he was playing musketeers], where sometimes his RG would randomly move circles[sometimes under other rgs to where he asks where it went and I tell him because i seen where it when to]. Though that was only with him.

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