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[MtG] Sagu Mauler


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I barely play Magic, but I understand it enough to get the general idea.But this confuses me.What are the benefits of Morphing it, then flipping it up, instead of just Summoning it?Especially since the former method costs 2 more mana.

Morph means that all of your cards also function as a 3 mana 2/2 if you need it. So decent in early game and good late game. Paying 3 mana then 5 mana is not the same as paying 8 mana. You will end up with getting the creature a turn earlier. There's a few other things like making a summon uncounterable later since morphing doesn't count as a cast.

And some cards will have triggers that give you a bonus when you morph them face up as well.
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But it's a 2/2 with none of its abilities until then.

sometimes you need a 2/2 for temporary protection. It will then turn to its true form a full turn earlier than you could play it without morph, and can attack on that turn instead of waiting (as it has already been on the field for a few turns).

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