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fetchlands [mtg]

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$50-$60 seems like a massive overshot. They'll be hovering around $20, as Rod said. Good, appreciated reprints.

Hilariously, they're surprisingly average in Standard. Funny anti-synergy with scrylands, and no dual-type lands to help it out. Does make Courser of Kruphix even better though.

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Wow, I didn't suspect this at all. Great spoilers. I am buying them right when they come out then! But when are they going to reprint the Enemy colored fetchlands?

Well, the new Wizards policy is to print 10-land cycles in all blocks, so we theoretically should get the other five throughout the block.

It's possible that they might do another cycle of lands that aren't fetches for the enemy colours instead, but we'll have to wait to see.
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A common land cycle is guaranteed. Probably wedge panoramas, possibly something else.

They never put a whole cycle in the first set. Judging by set size, it should probably be 2 in Warlords of Khanar and 3 in Dragons of Tarkir.

Alternatively, the other 5 will be in Dragons of Tarkir since that set's rotating into the new Standard.

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The way I see it, $30 is the bare minimum. Enemy fetches went for $20 in Zendikar block's standard season, and with the creation of modern they are much more relevant. These allies will be a hot commodity for many modern decks such as Jund, while still being useful for the standard equivalent. They will start at a reasonable price, but only rise from there.

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The way I see it, $30 is the bare minimum. Enemy fetches went for $20 in Zendikar block's standard season, and with the creation of modern they are much more relevant. These allies will be a hot commodity for many modern decks such as Jund, while still being useful for the standard equivalent. They will start at a reasonable price, but only rise from there.

Zendikar fetches were about $12-$14, I believe, during Standard. These will inevitably fall to a similar price. $30 will never happen, and if so, only for the first few weeks.
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I'm going even lower. $8-12 while in Standard. And you do realize that this is gonna make other Legacy/Modern staples spike even higher, right? Don't get me wrong, I'm not unexcited and I think this is amazing. It's just this announcement has a lot of other ramifications.



I think this is actually pretty close to their price point. Remember, the fall set gets opened the most of any magic set, so the cards in it will always end up losing a few dollars in their cost because of that.

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