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[Pokémon] Bronzong


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This is related to my other card, Bronzor, so check that out: http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/topic/322084-pok%C3%A9mon-bronzor/





Ability/Poke-body - Mind Games:

If Bronzong is Active and Knocked Out an opponent's Pokémon this turn, your opponent must choose their Pokémon with the lowest Stage between turns to be their Active Pokémon, their choice if tied.

Metal x2 - Desensitize - 70

If the defending Pokémon is an ex-Pokémon, it is now Confused and it loses its Ability until the end of your opponent's next turn.

Weakness - Darkness x2

Resistance - Psychic -3

Retreat - Colorless x3

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Really Balanced Well done..

Not too much too improve on..

At first look its OP but with 90 HP its easily 1-2 hit KO'd.

But it really packs a punch and can be food for your opponents thoughts...

Well done ^^

Thanks. I was actually gonna make it 110 HP, but then I saw the other Bronzongs, and they are 90, so sticking with that was the reason for 90, heh.

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