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Melodious deck (Need Help)


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What Level 1 Fairy do you run for Court of Justice? No Solo: First Movement? Supply Squad seems pretty bad here.


So -2 Court of Justice, -1 Dark Hole/Time-Space, -2 Squad


+3 Solo, +2 Breakthrough Skill.


Never used the deck before so, I'm not sure.


EDIT: Didn't notice Fiendish Chains, so ignore the Breakthrough Skill part. Unless you don't want to.

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Honestly, any Melodious decks that run slow cards like Primas or Serena is not different from CB deck that run Rainbow Dragon,
[spoiler='To make the deck better']
Core lineup should be
2 Elegy
3 Aria
3 Canon
3 Sonata
1 Honest
3 Solo
3 Trans
2-3 Instant R4 Fusion (only local and Ygopro, damn DN)
2-3 SC
2 CoTH
13 R4 stuffs (including Noden for anywhere bar DN and Tournament), a Leviair and a Pleiades (just for insurance)
Any cards for consistency (PoD, Upstart, etc.) is up to you, though Upstart is highly recommended.

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Yeah Soul Charge is pretty useful here. I've been running Foolish Burial as well just to dump something. Also a couple Celestial Transformations seem to be working for me, since it's a quick way to get out Elegy, and it doesn't destroy itself afterwards.

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Celestial transformation is a bit too situational for me, cus you need elegy or something worth summoning in the first place and it vaporizes your hand really quickly which is what i was trying to avoid. Soul charge isnt a bad idea and ill adjust the deck to put 1-2 in later cus DN's database is busy right now...

Also valhalla does quite well for getting things like elegy out.

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Ok ill try something out.... i will update it in 5 mins




Personally i thought 3 solo was a bit clunky so i didnt wanna run it.

also herald of orange light is good since it sets up things like soul charge and instant fusion - Noden, so that should work well.


Any Objections.

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I considered Celestial Transformation at 1, I did…I still kinda do.

Lance out classes MST in this deck, at least in my opinion. PoD feels like an @3 card in general.

Canon does literally nothing for the deck, and I would not play it at all, let alone 3. 

Maybe, maybe 1. But it does nothing to promote the main objective except for the occasional Trans into Elegy.

Soul Charge is OK but the deck hardly has em in the graveyard, up to you. 
I would not run the Heralds or Fiendish Chains.

Instead, try Breakthrough at 2 and 2 of another card. Like Cards from the Sky.


Instant fusion is an interesting tech...

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Ok finally some1 who realises that canon is crap.

instant fusion into Noden is one of my favourite techs so it wont be coming out unless 100% necessary...

Not sure on replacements though.

Celestial trans is an ok one actually since aria could potentially become really dead in the hand.

I dont mind the Herald of ornage at 1 too too much.



I was stuck on monsters to add and i thought, statue seems interesting and will help with the wall theme aswell as being potential trans material ^^.

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