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[MTG] Ivorytusk Fortress


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More Khan Spoilers. Its an elephant so that's pretty cool. I feel like the Junk wedge is going to be about counters. The card itself has a neat effect but it takes too much effort to set up and it really doesn't do anything by itself.

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@Neo not as flexible but is a 5/7 and is less easily destroyed by red than a 2/3 prophet of kruphix.


Eh its just a normal elephant right? since all elephants have ivorytusks, fortress just meaning its gonna have stupid stats...

BWG are the colours i was hoping to run so im glad to see that there are gonna be a +1 +1 system going on...

Anyway how useful it is depends on how easy it is to set up in the set..

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I see they arranged the colors differently such that the "center" of the nation is in the center of the mana cost as opposed to the beginning of the mana cost as per regular arrangement of wedge cards. A similar thing was done with Helmsmasher and the wedge lands. Maybe this is just a new rule with how they'll arrange mana costs?


5/7 is pretty big for 5 mana. The extra ability seems really niche with spoilers shown so far.

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