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X-Treme, Duuuude! X-Sabers.


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Really successful deck for me so far, but I think it could be a little better, and my Extra Deck is something I'm constantly juggling.




Faultrol x2

Boggart Knight x3


Fullhelmknight x3


Kuribandit x2

Darksoul x3

Pashuul x2



Saber Slash x2


Dark Hole

Soul Charge x2

MST x3

Saber Reflect

Tenki x2


Gottoms Emergency Call x3

Torrential Tribute

Trap Stun x2

Breakthrough Skill x2


Leoh Guardbeast of the Sacred Tree


Scrap Dragon

Souza x2


Naturia Barkion



Naturia Beast

Ptolemys M7

Photon Strike Bounzer



M-X Saber Invoker



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I'd say hit both Kuribandits for a third Tenki and another Faultroll/Airbellum

What's that spell on the right to MsT? :P


Kuribandit has actually worked out for me very well, helps me load my Grave for Faultroll and Redox. I used to have 3 Tenkis, but it turned out to clog, as I only have 4 targets.


And you do realize I provided a list of all the cards in there, right...?


It's Saber Reflect.

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I have not played with standard X-Sabers and thus I'm not an expert on the archetype, but I have tested silly variants. That said, here are some suggestions:


+1 Tenki, and +1 Bear for the 4th target and to complete the Bear-Tenki engine: Bear kills a monster with its effect, attacks to inflict damage and search for a Tenki. By the way, you already run a 4th target for Tenki: Ragigura.

-1 Saber Slash: I wouldn't risk running more than 1 because it can end up dead if you don't control a X-Saber.

+1~2 Saber Reflect: A searcher for Gottoms E-Call that can be triggered by Pashuul? yes please; and I believe it is much better to run a 2nd copy of this than a 2nd Saber Slash. Since you run a Saber Slash as the 4th target, I guess you could afford running 3.

You are missing staples like Bottomless Trap Hole, Compulsory and Solemn Warning.


Perhaps +2 Emmersblade? As far as I know, this guy is, or was, a staple in X-Sabers but I don't know. Plus you can ram it to trigger Saber Reflects.


-1 Dark Hole: It is not as good in today's meta: most monsters either don't care about being destroyed (e.g. Hands, Shaddolls, Burning Abyss, Deltheros), or cannot be destroyed at all (e.g. Midrash/Winda), so chances are this card won't help you to recover; it does shines sometimes, though. Use it a your own risk.


-1 MST: For deck space.


Redox and Kuribandits look odd in the deck but I have not tested them myself so I can't really say if they are worth running or there are better options. But personally, I would take them out for deck space.

Only 2 Faultrolls feels iffy as well because it is basically one of your win conditions along Gottoms E-Call and you want it as soon as possible.



Extra Deck:

-1 Invoker: Going for Rank 3s with X-Sabers is not really good because Darksoul would miss the timing. It is much better to Synchro with Darksoul + Fulhelmknight/Airbellum, or leave the Darksouls on the field. Also, the only target for Invoker is Boggart, who works better when summoned form the hand.

-1 Souza: I believe you only need 1, and only because it is the only monster you can make with Boggart + fulhelm/Airbellum. There are much better Synchro 7s out there, namely Black Rose and eventually Moonlight Rose and Yazi.

+1 Castel: It is arguably better than S.H.Ark because it spins anything face-up into the deck and gets around the floating effects of El Shaddolls.

+1 Black Rose


Other Extra Deck options:

+1 Dweller: Stops most of the meta right now

+1 Star Eater: Redox + Fulhelm/Airbellum

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Redox is mainly there because him +Pashuul/Fullhemlknight = Gottoms/Leoh. That's actually the easiest way to summon Leoh, and Kuribandit is nice for grave loading forRedox/Faultroll, and the fact that it dumps Breakthrough is handy as well. I might try Bear, that could work well. And thing about Faultroll is it can clog bad hands and FAST become a liability. And I've only been testing Saber Reflect recently because until a little while ago it was buggy on DevPro and I couldn't test it completely. I think i'll test the rest of these ideas, thanks a bunch :)

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IMO, you should drop both Bandits for something like Reinforce Truth.
Mostly.... Because Bandit being luck based seems like it would hurt this deck more then actually help it, since more often then not the Deck will naturally set up it's Graveyard for you, and you don't need to be that dependent on it in order to make your plays.

Plus.... Truth can instantly set you up for Hyunlei/etc plays, without the full devotion of Boggart, since it gives you more methods of doing the same play.

Also I'd drop Strike Bounzer for Dracossack.

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Saber Hole > Saber Slash, it's more consistent. I'd probably say another Saber Reflect couldn't hurt either.


Battle searchers aren't too hot right now so 1 Emmersblade might not be a bad shout, although I'd usually run more.


Also personally I'd say +1 Pashuul -1 Fulhelm or Boggart, then +1 Hyunlei -1 Souza. Level 6 synchros are more desirable than Souza after all. 

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I'll try 1 Reinforce Truth, seeing as I only have 2 targets for it, so 2 risks dead draws, and I'll keep 1 Kuribandit, see how that works.


As for Dracosack, IDK, considering the only level 7s I run are Redox and Souza, and the deck has plenty of good destruction already without risking clogging the field with tokens and being unable to summon a tuner, not to mention Bounzer provides effect negation in a deck that doesn't have it.


How is Saber Hole more consistant that Slash, it can be MST'd before it's used and Slash can't. COurse destruct effects are less useful thee days, a la the suggestion to remove Hole, but IDK about Hole.

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