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A Certain Online RP [PG-16/S/AA/Cohosted by Hollowxcross]

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There we go. Let me know if anything needs a fixing.


[spoiler= Hibari Wright]
Username: The_Hollow
Name: Hibari Wright
Age: 18
Gender: Male
 Hibari’s overall appearance is exactly as the picture above depicts, except for the fact that he doesn’t wear an eye patch. He stands at roughly 6’1, wearing his uniform in an open manner similar to his outfit in the picture.

Personality: Having been branded as a delinquent for the majority of his life, it should come to no surprise that Hibari is a bit rough around the edges. Like his name would imply he is a free spirit, a man who isn’t bound by the rules or judgments of others. He goes where he wants, says what he wants, and just about does everything on whim. This often leads most people to instantly label him as jerk or an airhead, but neither of those are even relatively accurate. On the contrary, anyone who knows Hibari personally are aware of the fact that he is one of the most trust worthy individuals in the city. He follows his own moral code that is vaguely reminiscent of chivalry; it’s guiding principal fall’s around the keeping of one’s word, meaning that all promises are taking extremely seriously.
Due to having been judged for his western appearance since birth, he himself has decided to judge no book by its cover. Everyone he meets starts off with a clean slate, and he will always wait for a person to show their true nature before passing his judgments.  Occupation: Student


ESPer Level: 4
ESPer Ability: Void Walker – A form of teleportation that seems to be unique to Hibari, and that has baffled researchers since it’s discovery. It allows Hibari to teleport himself and/or a limited amount of additional mass that is in contact with him to any location within his field of vision. He does this by displacing himself to then traveling through an unidentified dimension at extraordinary speeds. His travel through this “void” is so fast in fact, that Hibari was not even aware of his time spent there until his ability was viewed and studied extensively in a lab. While not dramatic, teleportation requires a substantial amount of exertion on Hibari’s part; meaning that excessive warping can lead to exhaustion, and in extreme situations lack of consciousness.   

Hibari retains any momentum he had whilst teleporting: meaning he arrives at his destination at the same exact velocity he left at. This means that if he was falling and teleported himself to the ground, he’d in theory only had shortened the trip and will still receive the same amount of injury. He is also limited to teleporting 300 pounds including himself, and only 180 pounds when using Void Walker on an object without teleporting himself with it. 
Passing through the “void” is extremely disorienting to most living entities, and while it does not cause any physical damage it will put a massive strain on their bodies. Over the years Hibari has developed immunity to these effects. 

Mid level Street fighter- Hibari is often times drawn into conflict due to a combination of his thug like appearance and his "I dont give a F***" attitude. This has made him a rather proficient street fighter, but he is in no way shape or form a combat expert.

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Aqua, it just occured to me that to turn invisible, you would have to bend light around you, otherwise you would just appear as a person-shaped black blotch.

I feel like changing a transmittance would also let me escaping a camera eye and resulted in completely invisible (which shouldn't be happened as Sensory revision and Illuminator that should be better on that field still existed), but well, #1 can do anything. Gonna edit this when I'm on PC (don't want to mess up with size and color stuffs like my phone always did.)


Edit: Done.

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