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Games for PlayStation 3


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If this is your first console a lot of the PS2 remastered collections are great. 


Rayman 3 is a good example of this.


Also, there are a bunch of PS1 classics: Crash Bandicoot and Spyro are staples in that department.

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In no particular order...


ICO HD Collection

The Last of Us


Red Dead Redemption

Saints Row The Third

LittleBigPlanet 2

Dark Souls


Portal 2

Uncharted 2: Among Thieves

Far Cry 3

Batman Arkham City

Assassin's Creed 2

Fallout 3

Metal Gear Solid IV

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I suppose it depends on what type of games you think you'll like. There are a vast number of different genres and types. From the top of my head, my first pick would be The Elderscrolls series Oblivion and Skyrim. Skyrim is the easiest to get into and far simpler to play than Oblivion, where you have to think about the kind of character you want to play before hand and have a set plan for the character you want to make. Whereas with Skyrim, it is alot easier to switch the abilities you want to use mid-game. 

These also have the added bonus that they are both value for money. Oblivion you can pick up for almost nothing these days and it is, hands down, one of the best games on the PS3.


Other choices to have a amazing experience is the Bioshock games but they are for older gamers as they focus on some very subjective adult themes and have a copious amount of blood and violence. Again you can pick the first Bioshock up for nothing these days and it is the better of the three by far. 


And as others have said, some of the more classic PS2 era games such as Crash Bandicoot, Ratchet and Clank and Spyro are all good choices. There is also the two Little Big Planet games which are excellent, although, personally, I find they lack much of the substance of them due to lack of online people to interact with after the years since release. 


Agro hit the nail on the head really and any of his listed games are all pretty spectacular. 


My last input is one of my favourite games of the last generation Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch. It is a JRPG that uses creatures like pokemon and capturing, training and battling with them is fun, tactical and really really enjoyable. Again, this game will last 100+ if you want to get every creature and find every secret, so is excellent value for money. 


You have a really good console and can take advantage of the new consoles as the older generation games drop in price over time. Youtube 'Best of PS3' videos and google it too and list these games. If you have a list to work off, it's easier to remember specific games in the thousands that currently exist for the PS3 and will make getting a decent collection easy. 

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