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The Topic in Which Birdie Sucks Up Her Fears and Makes a Thing


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i know mic quality isn't great, im sowwy ;-;


also i know the bottom screen being where it is is kinda bad, but it was either that or have a bunch of black space. i didn't have anything to put in the black space either, so i went with this option instead. i tried to make sure it didn't cover anything important in the video though, and i'm pretty sure it didn't


pls be gentle, dont hate birdie ;-;

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*sigh* xD


Nothing wrong with your voice or content-wise.


This game looks like a gold mine, though. I've always loved SM64, so I see myself absolutely loving this.


I wish I was a little better at speaking. I tend to stumble over what I wanna say a lot ;-;


And yes! This hack is really, really good, if you wanna check it out there's a link to it in the description!

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you sound really smooth tbh


i am unsure of what this means


Ooooh, will watch later. Busy right now, and will be away later, but dang it this will be watched, I swear it!


Edit: And by busy I mean, can't watch videos.


Thanks Mr. Cowcow! :'D


I understand. x3

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very adorbs


no u


Having a hard time taking a compliment, Caeda? Anyway, I've never played that game before yet I enjoyed it tbh. Great job, Caeda.


Eh, I just don't see it personally. I stutter a lot. >>''


The hack is really good, so if anyone here is interested in downloading it, check out the description!


Also I just gotta post here cause I'm super excited, the creator of the hack found my video and commented on it. While he didn't say much, it felt good and got me excited. x3

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Good jaubrey



I tend to stutter these days, so I honestly don't mind at all. And that's great to hear. ^^


Thank you, both of you ^^


Finally got to watch it,and I must say, good job. :) I thought you sounded good, enjoyed it.

The clicking sounds were distracting at first but I ended up focused on the game and your voice so it didn't matter so much.


I know the clicking sounds are annoying. The gamepad I use is so fucking loud and annoying, and there's just so easy way for me to try and make sure it doesn't get into the sound. x-x

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I know the clicking sounds are annoying. The gamepad I use is so f***ing loud and annoying, and there's just so easy way for me to try and make sure it doesn't get into the sound. x-x

Don't worry too much about it. I can see you're focusing on it, but honestly it didn't bother me much, it was good. :)

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