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Valkyrie! - Heralds 2.0


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This is my Valkyrie deck! It is basically like the very small Herald archetype, but made even better! There are 5 monsters similar to the Heralds, each of which negates something by discarding itself and 1 or 2 others. This deck could actually be pretty annoying because of all the negating capabilities, but i do not really think it is overpowered or anything.


[spoiler='Main Deck']


[spoiler='Valkyrie of the Earth (Run 3)']


EARTH/Level 3/Fairy

During either player's turn, when a monster effect is activated: You can discard this card and 1 other "Valkyrie" monster; negate the activation, and if you do, put it on the bottom of the deck. If this card is summoned, you can add a non-EARTH Fairy-Type monster from your deck to your hand



[spoiler='Valkyrie of the Sea (Run 3)']


WATER/Level 3/Fairy

During either player's turn, when a spell card is activated: You can discard this card and 1 other "Valkyrie" monster; negate the activation, and if you do, put it on the bottom of the deck. If this card is summoned, you can add a non-WATER Fairy-Type monster from your deck to your hand



[spoiler='Valkyrie of the Sky (Run 3)']


WIND/Level 3/Fairy

During either player's turn, when a trap card is activated: You can discard this card and 1 other "Valkyrie" monster; negate the activation, and if you do, put it on the bottom of the deck. If this card is summoned, you can add a non-WIND Fairy-Type monster from your deck to your hand



[spoiler='Valkyrie of the Unknown (Run 3)']


FIRE/Level 3/Fairy

During either player's turn, when a monster would be summoned: You can discard this card and 2 other "Valkyrie" monsters; negate the summon, and if you do, put it on the bottom of the deck. If this card is summoned, you can add a non-FIRE Fairy-Type monster from your deck to your hand



[spoiler='Valkyrie of the Stars (Run 3)']


DARK/Level 3/Fairy

During either player's turn, when an attack is declared: You can discard this card and 1 other "Valkyrie" monster; negate the attack, and if you do, put the attacking monster on the bottom of the deck. If this card is summoned, you can add a non-DARK Fairy-Type monster from your deck to your hand



[spoiler='Valkyrie Nurse (Run 3)']


LIGHT/Level 4/Fairy

If this card is destroyed, you can special summon a "Valkyrie" monster from your deck, except "Valkyrie Nurse", but return it to the hand during the end phase, and if you do, shuffle this card into the deck. If this card is sent from the hand to the grave, gain 1000 life points.

ATK/1600 DEF/1400


[spoiler='Valkyrie Gemini (Run 3)']


LIGHT/Level 4/Fairy

When this card is summoned or flipped face-up, you can send this card to the grave and target 2 "Valkyrie" monsters in your grave, except "Valkyrie Gemini"; add the targets to your hand, but you cannot activate effects of cards with the same name as the targets for the rest of this turn. If this card is sent from the hand to the grave, you can declare an Attribute; special summon 2 Valkyrie Tokens (Fairy-Type/Level 3/ATK 0/DEF 0) with the declared attribute.

ATK/1700 DEF/1000


[spoiler='Valkyrie Conjurer (Run 3)']


LIGHT/Level 4/Fairy

When this card is summoned or flipped face-up, you can send this card and 1 "Valkyrie" card from your hand or field to the grave; add 2 "Valkyrie" monsters from your deck to your hand. If this card is sent from the hand to the grave, you can draw 1 card.

ATK/0 DEF/2000


[spoiler='Valkyrie Descendant (Run 3)']


LIGHT/Level 4/Fairy

If a "Valkyrie" monster is sent from your hand to the grave, you can send a "Valkyrie" card from your hand or field to the grave; add this card from your grave to your hand. If this card is sent from the hand to the grave, you can destroy 1 card on the field.

ATK/1900 DEF/500


[spoiler='Valkyrie Champion (Run 3)']


LIGHT/Level 7/Fairy

Once per turn, when a Fairy-Type monster destroys a monster by battle, you can put a "Valkyrie" card on top of your deck from your grave. If this card is sent from the hand to the grave, you can discard 1 "Valkyrie" monster; you can add a "Valkrystal" to your hand from your deck or grave.

ATK/2200 DEF/2400


[spoiler='Valkyrie Enchantress (Run 3)']


LIGHT/Level 7/Fairy

Once per turn, you can target a Fairy-Type monster on the field and a "Valkyrie" monster in your grave with a different attribute; send the first target to the grave and add the second target to your hand. If this card is sent from the hand to the grave, you can discard 1 "Valkyrie" monster; shuffle 3 other "Valkyrie" cards from your grave into your deck, then draw 2 cards.

ATK/2300 DEF/2000


[spoiler='Guardian of the Valkyries (Run 3)']


LIGHT/Level 7/Fairy

During either player's turn, when a "Valkyrie" card(s) is sent to the grave by your own card effect, this card gains 200 ATK for each card sent, until your opponent's end phase. Monsters you control cannot attack or be attacked, except "Guardian of the Valkyries". This card's maximum number of attacks per battle phase is equal to the number of "Valkyrie" monsters you control. If this card is sent from the hand to the grave, you can discard 1 "Valkyrie" monster; special summon a "Valkyrie" monster from your grave.

ATK/1800 DEF/1500




[spoiler='Call of the Valkyrie (Run 1)']



Add any number of LIGHT "Valkyrie" monsters from your grave to your hand, then take 1000 damage for each card. During the end phase of the turn this card was activated, your hand limit does not apply. You can only activate 1 "Call of the Valkyrie" per duel. 


[spoiler='Valkrystal (Run 3)']



Fusion Summon 1 "Valkyrie" Fusion Monster from your Extra Deck, using monsters from your hand or your side of the field as Fusion Materials, or by banishing monsters from your grave as the Fusion Materials. You can only activate 1 "Valkrystal" per turn. If a "Valkyrie" Fusion Monster is removed from the field, you can discard 1 "Valkyrie" card; shuffle this card into the deck from your grave.




[spoiler='Extra Deck']

[spoiler='Valkyrie of the Forests (Run 1)']


EARTH/Level 7/Fairy/Fusion

1 Fairy-Type monster + 1 EARTH monster
Cannot be special summoned, except by Fusion Summon. During either players' turn, when a monster effect is activated: You can send 1 "Valkyrie" card to the grave from your hand or field; negate the activation, and if you do, put it on the bottom of the deck. During either players' turn, you can return this card to the Extra Deck; the effects of your opponent's monsters are negated until the end phase.

ATK/2000 DEF/1000


[spoiler='Valkyrie of the Lakes (Run 1)']


WATER/Level 7/Fairy/Fusion

1 Fairy-Type monster + 1 WATER monster
Cannot be special summoned, except by Fusion Summon. During either players' turn, when a spell card or spell card's effect is activated: You can send 1 "Valkyrie" card to the grave from your hand or field; negate the activation, and if you do, put it on the bottom of the deck. During either players' turn, you can return this card to the Extra Deck; the effects of your opponent's spell cards are negated until the end phase.

ATK/2000 DEF/1000


[spoiler='Valkyrie of the Clouds (Run 1)']


WIND/Level 7/Fairy/Fusion

1 Fairy-Type monster + 1 WIND monster
Cannot be special summoned, except by Fusion Summon. During either players' turn, when a trap card or trap card's effect is activated: You can send 1 "Valkyrie" card to the grave from your hand or field; negate the activation, and if you do, put it on the bottom of the deck. During either players' turn, you can return this card to the Extra Deck; the effects of your opponent's trap cards are negated until the end phase.

ATK/2000 DEF/1000


[spoiler='Valkyrie of the Supernatural (Run 1)']


FIRE/Level 7/Fairy/Fusion

1 Fairy-Type monster + 1 FIRE monster
Cannot be special summoned, except by Fusion Summon. During either players' turn, when a monster would be summoned: You can send 2 "Valkyrie" cards to the grave from your hand or field; negate the summon, and if you do, put it on the bottom of the deck. During either players' turn, you can return this card to the Extra Deck; your opponent cannot summon monsters until the end phase.

ATK/2000 DEF/1000


[spoiler='Valkyrie of the Galaxy (Run 1)']


DARK/Level 7/Fairy/Fusion

1 Fairy-Type monster + 1 DARK monster
Cannot be special summoned, except by Fusion Summon. During either players' turn, when an attack is declared: You can send 1 "Valkyrie" card to the grave from your hand or field; negate the attack, and if you do, put the attacking monster on the bottom of the deck. During either players' turn, you can return this card to the Extra Deck; your opponent cannot attack until the end phase.

ATK/2000 DEF/1000


[spoiler='Valkyrie from Heaven (Run 2)']


LIGHT/Level 10/Fairy/Fusion

1 Fairy-Type monster + 1 LIGHT monster
Cannot be special summoned, except by Fusion Summon. If a Fusion Monster, including this card, leaves the field, you can add one of your banished "Valkyrie" monsters to your hand. Once per turn, if the activation of a card or card effect, a summon, or an attack is negated: You can send 1 "Valkyrie" card to the grave from your hand or field; destroy 1 card on the field or discard 1 card from either players' hand.

ATK/2500 DEF/2000


[spoiler='Valkyrie from Hell (Run 2)']


LIGHT/Level 10/Fairy/Fusion

1 Fairy-Type monster + 2 LIGHT monsters
Cannot be special summoned, except by Fusion Summon. Once per turn, you can discard 1 card and target a card on the field; that target cannot be activated, cannot activate its effects, and cannot attack while this card is face-up on the field. During the end phase, if 2 or more "Valkyrie" monsters were sent from your hand to the grave this turn, you can add a "Valkyrie" monster from your grave to your hand.

ATK/2000 DEF/2500


[spoiler='Lady of the Valkyries (Run 1)']


LIGHT/Level 10/Fairy/Fusion

3 Fairy-Type monsters
Cannot be special summoned, except by Fusion Summon. When this card is Fusion Summoned, you can discard 1 card and declare 1 card type (Spell, Trap, Monster); your opponent cannot activate cards or card effects of the declared type, until your next end phase. During either players' turn, you can return this card to the Extra Deck; add up to 2 "Valkyrie Champion" to your hand from your deck or grave.



[spoiler='Legendary Valkyrie (Run 2)']


LIGHT/Level 11/Fairy/Fusion

3 LIGHT monsters
Cannot be special summoned, except by Fusion Summon. During either players' turn, when a counter trap card is activated: You can return this card to the Extra Deck; negate its activation and put it on the bottom of the deck, also counter trap cards cannot be activated for the rest of the turn. During either player's turn, when a non-LIGHT "Valkyrie" monster(s) is sent from your hand to your grave, except for its own effect: You can deal 500 damage to your opponent.

ATK/2800 DEF/2400


[spoiler='Queen of the Valkyries (Run 2)']


LIGHT/Level 12/Fairy/Fusion

5 Fairy-Type monsters with different attributes
Cannot be special summoned, except by Fusion Summon. During either players' turn, when a card or card effect is activated, when a monster would be summoned, or when an attack is declared: You can send 2 "Valkyrie" cards to the grave from your hand or field; negate the activation, summon, or attack, and if you do, put it on the bottom of the deck. You can only control 1 "Queen of the Valkyries".

ATK/3000 DEF/2000


[spoiler='Goddess of the Valkyries (Run 1)']


LIGHT/Level 12/Fairy/Fusion

6 monsters with different attributes
Cannot be special summoned, except by Fusion Summon. You can send a "Valkyrie" card from your hand or field to the grave; put up to 3 cards on the bottom of the deck from your opponent's grave. During either players' turn, you can return this card to the Extra Deck; special summon 2 "Valkyrie" Fusion monsters from your Extra Deck, except "Goddess of the Valkyries" and "Queen of the Valkyries" (this is treated as a Fusion Summon).

ATK/2000 DEF/4000



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I can say, I do like the concept of this archetype, as it has likings of herald which I think is pretty cool. It focuses on fusions which makes it unique (while heralds are for rituals). I think personally that descendant and guardian of the valkyries are broken. Descendant is a 1900 beater which can pop a card went sent from the hand to the grave. That effect is super splashable while guardian can attack up to nearly 5 times, and if the Atk boost gets high, that's a super otk. Overall, I do like the concept and how its a evolved herald deck. This would be a perfect adversary for my archetype which is the mystical white archetype, which you should check out for clarity (which is in this section call the defenders of light). other than the 2 cards mentioned, it's a nice archetype. well done :)

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I haven't looked through all the cards, just the first few valkyries with the element like search eff

they are crazy OP, I mean, since the vast majority of fairy types is LIGHT, and so are the best fairies - like mozart, honest, splendid venus, sky paladin, melodious archetype gets consistant.

and I haven't covered the non-LIGHT fairies this thing can search, i think it's too strong a searcher, not to mention this things can become some pretty neat cards with transmodify. so it's beneficial anyway.

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As you stated, they're obviously not a new concept because we have the heralds, that being said, there's a reason nobody plays any of the herald hand traps besides orange, because they are all -1 card effects just for the negation of a single spell/trap card or monster effect.  Almost all of your engine consists of going -1, and even in combination with the "Valkarie" cards that gets effects when sent to grave, the best you're doing is going +0.  Unknown is a -2 unless you are lucky enough to get like descendant or conjurer, but they are only 2 cards when you have so many that require other "Valkarie" cards to discard.  Even starting with 5 Valkarie monsters in hand, thats only negating 2 of your opponents cards, leaving you with 1 card against your opponent's 3, unless you are lucky enough to draw descendant or conjurer, but that will be a less likely situation than drawing the others.  Herald of orange light is a good tech card, but creating a deck around the hand trap that consistently makes you go minus won't really work in the game.

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Only 3 of the valkyries require discards for additional effects. If you had not noticed, this deck would be a practically all monster deck. Also, they all have effs that activate when discarded, except the ones that actually do the discarding (I remember there is a card that gives them a discard eff, but its been a while and cannot remember which lol). Anyways, about the searchability, I was going to go with adding a "Valkyrie" instead of Fairy-Type, but I wanted to make them workable in other decks you know. They are extremely spammable, which is the point really, keeping filled up with ammo. Also, the main point is to get the Fusions out. They are basically the same but with much less cost. Personally, I have faced herald decks before and used them, and I can tell you, THEY ARE ANNOYING! So a huge  archetype like this, with the way I have made it, well the opponent would probably rage quite repeatedly.

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